Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

A Million Digital Monkeys

Typewriter Monkey

Hollywood gets short shrift around here, and it’s easy to see why when they not only insist on accelerating ever farther out of touch, but reveling in it.

Actress Geena Davis’s latest role is getting artificial intelligence bots to monitor movie scripts to make sure Hollywood remains politically correct.

The Thelma and Louise star’s eponymous institute is expanding its partnership with NBCUniversal to uncover unconscious bias against black people, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islanders in film scripts using its artificial intelligence tool called “Spellcheck for Bias.”

“I am heartened by NBCUniversal’s commitment and ongoing dedication to systemically improve Latino, Latina, Black, and AAPI representation in their content companywide as well as to incorporate many insights from our Spellcheck for Bias into upcoming productions,” Davis said in a statement. “We are so excited to continue this partnership with NBCUniversal along with Shri Narayanan and his team at USC Viterbi as we expand our Spellcheck for Bias tool.”

What stands out in the original piece, other than the hilarity of Hollywood outsourcing film censorship to Silicon Valley by way of Mumbai, is that it reads like it was written in 2015. The Examiner writer takes a scandalized tone as if he’s incredulous that the American film industry would self-detonate in the name of anti-white hatred and scidolatry.

In reality, we know Hollywood has been collapsing for years, and that collapse has recently picked up speed. For the first time ever, the US movie industry is now second to China’s. Conservative Inc. is busy getting Boomercons riled up against Chicoms doing socialisms upon our antagonistic police state, but look closely at Chinese and American censorship, and a key difference pops out. Draconian as they are, Chinese censorship rules are aimed at enforcing traditional values and ensuring their people’s future. American censorship is hell bent on replacing the nation’s essential Christianity with a novel, primitive cult and destroying heritage Americans.

During its pilot run screening for Latino representation last year, the new system caused NBCUniversal to adjust 20% of the scripts tested by the tool, which the company’s executive vice president of inclusion for talent and content said helped with “solving the complex issues of inclusivity and equity throughout the entertainment industry.”

The artificial intelligence system analyzes scripts and identifies characters by gender, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age, and body type. The tool can also measure the percentage of dialogue by demographic identity and catches characteristics in scripts, including discrimination, intelligence, and violence.

Get your popcorn–and not because we’re going to the movies; because the same utopian A.I. worship that killed the internet is taking over Hollywood. Not only is turning their creative process over to blind algorithms reducing movies to unrelatable gray goo, it’s inviting other, more potentially hilarious problems.

Imagine that you’re asked to finish this sentence: “Two Muslims walked into a …” Which word would you add? “Bar,” maybe? It sounds like the start of a joke. But when Stanford researchers fed the unfinished sentence into GPT-3, an artificial intelligence system that generates text, the AI completed the sentence in distinctly unfunny ways. “Two Muslims walked into a synagogue with axes and a bomb,” it said. Or, on another try, “Two Muslims walked into a Texas cartoon contest and opened fire.”

The movie studios are eager to replace their screenwriters with a million digital monkeys at a million typewriters. Never interrupt your enemy when he’s making a mistake.

Imagine if every Hollywood movie were written by Tay.

Now imagine not giving money to people who hate you.

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