If you want to know how highly the enemy values a specific asset, watch his response to even the mildest action directed against it.
School board meetings are some of the last places where citizens can openly and publicly interact with officials. The secrecy of elections, for instance, makes the people’s voice relatively easy to distort or silence through fraud. Not so open forums, where everybody can hear what’s said, and both citizens and officials are on the record.
Public schools’ latest push to teach children to hate themselves and their ancestors, practice sexual perversion, and even worship demons, finally stirred the normies from their slumber. Parents who didn’t particularly want boys in skirts sharing the bathroom with their daughters showed up to school board meetings to air their grievances.
We know the petty despots in charge of state-run education flew into a panic over having ordinary people challenge their screwball ideas, because they did what tyrants always do when they lose an argument: They shut down the debate by force.
But the reaction didn’t end there. So traumatized were they from coming into contact with the unwashed masses that the National School Board Association has sicced the feds on parents who dare to voice unapproved opinions about their own children’s education.
Totalitarians don’t voluntarily give up power. January 6 taught our rulers that they can simply declare anyone who disagrees with them terrorists and destroy their lives in myriad unaccountable ways.
According to the Justice Department, if you don’t want your child indoctrinated with Death Cult dogma eight hours a day, you are a potential insurgent who must be crushed.
The enemy’s reaction shows you what they value. Being sterile Moloch worshipers, the Cult cannot replenish its ranks alone. It needs to make converts, and it has turned the whole education system, K-PhD level, into a profane seminary.
It’s not as if the writing hasn’t been on the wall for years. The time to pull your kids out of the state cult’s clutches and raise them yourself was years ago. Having both spouses working is no longer an excuse. Wanting two cars and a bigger house than you need is no longer an excuse. Socialization is damn sure no longer an excuse.
You now have two, and only two, choices: Raise your own kids, or let the Woke Cult raise them for you.
Don’t give your kids to people who hate you, unless you want some of those people to be your kids