Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Stolen Moral Authority

Stolen Moral Authority

Frequent readers of this blog are aware of what I call the Witch Test.

For our purposes, a witch is a shill for the Death Cult who uses Christian teaching as a convenient stick to beat Christians. Half the time they claim to be Christian themselves.

The Witch Test calls the impostor’s bluff by challenging her to do what every Christian is commanded to do: publicly profess faith in Jesus Christ.

Even though the Death Cultist could simply lie and make a false profession of faith, she somehow never does. This persistent phenomenon hints that the witch’s motives aren’t strictly human.

Again, no test subject has yet said, “Sure, I believe that God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. Now here’s why you’re a racist chud for not cheering black James Bond.”

What accounts for the test’s continued inerrancy?

Simple. Being a Christian heresy, the Death Cult presupposes Christian morality.

But being a Christian heresy, the Death Cult simultaneously embraces a worldview at odds with Christianity.

The Witch Test confronts the Death Cultist with the contradiction at the heart of her belief system and forces her to publicly demonstrate her moral incoherence.

She can’t profess faith in the God she hates, nor can she deny Him without forfeiting her stolen moral authority.

The Death Cult’s moral vision is totally parasitic on the Christian moral tradition. That’s because Christian morality isn’t just the dominant moral system in the West, it’s the ONLY moral system in the West–AKA Christendom.

The best way to fight witches wearing a fig leaf of Christian morality is to cut them off at the knees.

The Woke Cult always argues from a position of stolen moral authority, so take that stolen authority away. Use the Witch Test. Declare that those who fail have forfeited their moral authority, and block.

Don’t pay attention to witches that hate you. Support writers who entertain you.

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