Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Death Cult Sacraments 2

Climate Confession

A picture speaks a thousand words, but the header image above admits of additional exposition.

If you’ve followed this blog for any length of time, you know the Left is not a political ideology, but a heretical secular religion. It even has mockeries of the sacraments.

However, a moment’s observation reveals the essential difference between the Death Cult and the true Church of Jesus Christ.

The aim of the Christian life is mastering one’s appetites, subordinating material goods to spiritual goods, and rendering perfect worship to God.

Death cultists, by contrast, seek self-validation through pharisaical displays of worldly piety. Christians consider the World part of the unholy trinity. Death Cultists worship it–they want cheap grace and a pat on the dead from the hive. All without an ounce of self-denial or discipline. The Death cultist doesn’t want to change; he doesn’t think he has to. Instead, he wants everyone else to change in order to suit his personal moral example.

Therein likes the key to defeating this heresy. The Death Cult does not produce martyrs–at least not among its own ranks. It’s deep aversion to suffering precludes self-sacrifice. Without constant reinforcement by Hollywood, the major media networks, and Big Tech, the Death Cult would shrink back to a small group of cranks on the fringes. Consider the billions spent to insulate the Death Cult from contact with reality.

For now, the feds can keep printing money, and megacorps can leverage skinsuit IPs for all the loans they want. But the cracks are showing, and growing more prominent. If you need encouragement, remember that God is undefeated, and reality always gets the last word.


“Couldn’t put this one down!”

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