Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Gilgamesh and the Nephilim

The spooky season continues with a highly strange story from last year that somehow escaped my notice.

A shocking discovery in the FOIA release of State Department emails confirms … [a]n email … “Requesting documents pertaining to the resurrection chamber of Gilgamesh, the location of his body and the location of the buried Nephilim.”

Not willing to take such a bizarre claim at face value, I searched the FOIA archive myself and found this:

This is as far as the information goes at this point. We know it is fact that the State Department’s emails include a message “pertaining to the resurrection chamber of Gilgamesh and the location of the buried Nephilim.” Everything else is left to speculation.

That speculation includes any direct connection between the Gilgamesh email and Hillary Clinton. (Never thought I’d write that sentence.) The message in question originated from someone at State named Denetra D Senigar. However …

… a search for the name Denetra D Senigar brings up nothing of significance and is possibly an alias. 

Being an exchange between government glow-in-the-darks, the emails cryptic title, and the message itself, might be written in some kind of federal spook code. Even if true, the glowies’ choice of mytho-historical references is intriguing.

Gilgamesh is an ancient Sumerian King, thought by many to be among the gods. Some ancient text portray Gilgamesh as a judge of the dead in the underworld.

The Nephilim are considered to be the fallen angels whom rebelled against God and took up with the daughters of men. Their children being the giants of ancient text.

And people brush it off as hyperbole when I describe our rulers as a heretical Death Cult.


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