Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Gomez Gets It


Archbishop José H. Gomez of Los Angeles, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, is seen in this Nov. 20, 2019, file photo. (CNS photo/courtesy Archdiocese of Los Angeles)

After sounding alarms that the Woke Cult is a parallel religion hostile to Christianity for years, it’s encouraging to see members of the Church’s hierarchy catching on.

The leading Catholic bishop in the United States admonished the growing interest in intersectionality and identity politics, saying they are “pseudo-religions.”

Archbishop Jose H. Gomez, the president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, said “America’s new political religions” of “wokeness,” “intersectionality,” and “identity politics ,” among others, “claim to offer what religion provides.” He delivered the remarks via video on Thursday to the Congress of Catholics and Public Life as it met in Madrid that day.

If I may differ slightly from His Excellency, the Progressive Death Cult is not a pseudo-religion. It’s a full-blown, heretical faith with its own public liturgies and sacraments.

“I believe the best way for the Church to understand the new social justice movements is to understand them as pseudo-religions, and even replacements and rivals to traditional Christian beliefs,” Gomez said . “With the breakdown of the Judeo-Christian worldview and the rise of secularism, political belief systems based on social justice or personal identity have come to fill the space that Christian belief and practice once occupied.”

Though we could pick nits about the Christian worldview having numerous and significant differences from Judaism, on the whole Gomez gets it to a degree that’s refreshing for a prelate.

“Today’s critical theories and ideologies are profoundly atheistic. They deny the soul, the spiritual, transcendent dimension of human nature; or they think that it is irrelevant to human happiness. They reduce what it means to be human to essentially physical qualities — the color of our skin, our sex, our notions of gender, our ethnic background, or our position in society. … In denying God, these new movements have lost the truth about the human person. This explains their extremism and their harsh, uncompromising, and unforgiving approach to politics,” he continued, urging the church “to understand and engage these new movements — not on social or political terms, but as dangerous substitutes for true religion.”

Realizing you’re being made war upon is the first step to mounting an effective counteroffensive. Gomez’s recognition that wokeism is not a political ideology, but a depraved, materialist religion, is a good first step.

The USCCB’s best next step would be renewing the American Church’s commitment to enforcing Canon 915. Will they inform Death Cult figureheads like Puppet Pal Joe of their self-excommunications? Don’t hold your breath. At the same time, take care to place periods of weak Church leadership in proper context as invitations to increase your trust in and reliance on Christ.


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