A quote often attributed to Chesterton notes that when something draws equally vehement attacks from opposite sides of the same issue, it’s a good bet that what the partisans are attacking is true. In other words, heresies tend to come in diametrically opposed but equally erroneous twos.
The resurgence of Satanism has sparked a new round of opposing heresies attacking the truth. Con Inc. and the racialist Right are tripping over themselves to divert your attention from the man behind the curtain.
“Death Cult witches aren’t satanic,” insist Conservative grifters. “They’re Commies doing communisms!”
At the same time, ethnonationalists who normally have nothing but contempt for GrifterCons say, “Only cowards call practitioners of Devil worship Satanists! What looks like satanic ritual is really just anti-white!”
To cut Collett some slack, he’s done a lot of good work and suffered the all-too-familiar punishments levied by the Death Cult against its enemies. It’s also the nature of the streaming game to constantly scramble for novel takes peddled with bombastic headlines. The strategic use of caps is a dead giveaway.
That said, such transparent spin is beneath him. Denying the stench of sulfur that hangs over the Death Cult constitutes gaslighting worthy of the Witches themselves. It reinforces the impression that a small but vocal segment of the dissident Right are ex-Reddit atheists who simply dislike black people and take out their cognitive dissonance on Christians.
And getting back to Chesterton, Con Inc. runs the same play, tarring the Church with their own favored epithet. One side worships Mammon, so they attack anyone who rejects unrestricted market worship as Commies™. Across the divide, race idolaters harangue anyone they deem guilty of insufficiently hating nonwhites.
Both heresies commit the error of reducing a field to a binary. Con Inc. sees the world in exclusively economic terms, so they dismiss any other explanation. Racialists reduce all social phenomena to ethnic struggles, so they lash out at anyone with a more complex view.
Now, to deny the Death Cult’s racial element would be to commit another equal yet opposite error. As corporate race quotas and the Rittenhouse show trial demonstrate, the Cult has demoted whites to second-class citizens.
But contrary to what ethnonationalists and blank slate civic nationalists alike presume, the Church has plenty to say about the reality and goodness of race and man’s right to form nations.
What the racialists can’t account for is why a heretic civic religion has formed which enshrines anti-whit hatred at the core of its morality. The best they can do is accuse the cultists of envy, but in so doing they necessarily appeal to the Christian morality they loathe.
After all, it was envy that led to original sin. Even atheist philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre accepted the doctrine of the Fall, because it’s so self-evident. Man is the only creature in hereditary disharmony with God, nature, his fellows, and himself. Only Christianity gives a complete, internally consistent account of the reason for man’s brokenness and offers a proven remedy.