Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

VA Governor Race

VA Governor Race

It’s possible to win some battles even while retreating. The GOP demonstrated that fact last night when they won the VA governor race for the first time in twelve years.

For beleaguered Conservatives who’d been taking body blows since this time last year, the victory finally gave them something to celebrate. The democrats seemed poised to sweep away all opposition, so even stalling their onslaught in one state was given outsized significance.

Taking the time to claim and enjoy victory is important, especially for elements of what is now the counterculture. The outpouring of Liberal salt added savor to the win. Nobody can say it wasn’t a lot of fun. Indeed, Virginia politics exemplifies kabuki theater, complete with face paint.

Yet the thrill of election night must give way as its political effects take shape. Conservatives get a chuckle over Leftists’ claims to be the reality-based community, but they only have room to laugh if they can soberly face the truth.

Hard as it is to accept, the truth is that we’d be better off long-term if McAuliffe had won.

Facts don’t care about feelings, so put your emotions in your back pocket and look at outcomes.

Terry McAuliffe is an associate of the Clinton machine. Glenn Youngkin is a Bush family stooge from the Carlyle Group. Since the Obama faction installed their puppet a year ago, the High Party has been purging Clinton holdovers. Whereas the Clinton family governed like Southern style political bosses out to line their pockets from the public till, the Death Cult behind Obama is bent on remaking America in their image. Hence all the Great Reset talk.

Last night’s election replaced a lukewarm Clintonista with a pliant Con Inc. chair warmer from the financial class. The Cult knows he’ll do nothing to impede their woke agenda and will be easily defeated next time.

Before anyone objects that Youngkin promised to ban CRT in schools, consider the woke language his campaign embraced.

Youngkin’s win has dismaying implications for the future of the republican party–in that it reenergizes a zombie corpse long overdue for the grave. Trump’s supporters are wont to absolve his failure to govern by playing up how he changed the GOP forever. This victory by a GOPe candidate who distanced himself from Trump suggests that “forever” meant “five years.” The republican party will take all the wrong lessons from Youngkin’s win.

Like the Bourbon dynasty, Conservatives can be counted on to remember everything but learn nothing. The normiecons cheering Youngkin’s victory forget 1994 and 2010, when republicans regained commanding majorities yet failed to advance a Conservative agenda. Many think the Woke tide was turned back in Virginia last night, but taking the long view reveals it as a minor uptick in a long downward trend.

The Death Cult needn’t fret. Youngkin will sponsor a flaccid CRT ban which county and city officials will ignore. Changing demographics, aided by vote fraud, will oust him in the next cycle. Meanwhile, rank-and-file republicans will continue legitimizing a corrupt system with their votes.

This outcome is of such benefit to the Death Cult, it’s easy to suspect the more level heads among their elders of planning it. Or at least printing fewer mail-in ballots in order to allow it.

For today, enjoy the Woke Cult’s crying over their bloody lip. Going forward, remember that you can’t fix a broken system by voting for people who hate you.

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