Quick XSeed Double-S update: Fulfillment of our record-smashing Indiegogo campaign continues at a quickened pace. All backers have received the bonus short story. Digital and print editions have gone out to Classified Intel backers. If you held off on backing the anthology until release, now’s your chance to get the Combat Frame XSeed back story.
Likewise, all posters, T-shirts, and trading cards have been delivered.
Last for now, but not least, The Combat Frame XSeed: SS eBook has been sent to all backers, and physical copies are on their way to all print version backers.
But that’s not all! Next on the agenda: getting the hotly anticipated Combat Frame XSeed Roleplaying Game ready for print. The RPG manual playtested by XSeed: S backers is rapidly coming together, and RPG backers should expect their copies late this month or early next month. XSeed: SS playtesters, keep an eye on your email around that time for details on the upcoming play test.
Thanks again to all our amazing backers! You’ve taken this mech adventure series from humble beginnings to a thriving post-future universe. Give yourselves a hand!
If you haven’t backed our smash success crowdfunders, don’t worry. I haven’t forgotten about you. The official launch of Combat Frame XSeed: SS lands soon. Early reviews have it that this is the best XSeed adventure yet, so mailing list subscribers should keep an eye on their inboxes. Remember, those with Nova Frontier subs get first dibs.
Not a newsletter subscriber yet? Fix that omission now.
And if you’re new to the XSeed: S arc, read the new series’ first explosive installment now!