Reader Rudolph Harrier writes in a comment on yesterday’s post:
I’ve been spending a lot of time with older relatives over the holidays and with the boomer-tier that always means the TV is on in the background, especially for the news (even if it’s the 9 o’clock news and they already watched the 4 and 6 o’clock news.)
For something like a decade I’ve only gotten my local news through websites, which are obnoxious enough. Seeing what the TV version is like now really was an eye opener.
1.) At least 50% of every program is devoted to COVID programming. Each and every day, regardless of what else is happening.
2.) The lies are more shameless than I expected, and my expectations were low. “If you get vaccinated, it’s impossible for you to get sick,” “mutations are only possible because not everyone has gotten vaccinated,” “kids are being put at risk by being in school,” etc. (Okay, maybe that last one’s true but not for the reasons they state.)
3.) Many of the segments practically run like Pfizer commercials. Not only is coverage limited almost entirely to their vaccines and their new “treatment” but the company is name dropped repeatedly. For extra fun, there is often an actual Pfizer commercial leading off the break, in case you doubted who was paying the bills.
I mean, I have kind of known that most people are NPCs for a year now (though in my internal monologue I use Terry Davis’s terminology.) But I hadn’t really appreciated the sheer volume of the propaganda, nor its blatant nature. And of course this is just the local news, there are plenty of other avenues through “fact checks,” celebrity statements, storylines of woke entertainment, etc.
The biggest takeaway is how absurd bowtie conservatives are for thinking that a structured, logical debate would change the opinions of the masses, going up against all of that.
Howard Beale warned us almost half a century ago.
(Profanity warning)
Turn off your TV, look out the window, and you’ll see Network‘s dire prophecy come true.
Only it’s not just multinational corporations spinning the news for profit. That’s just a fringe benefit.
The heads of every megacorp and all government agencies now belong to a fanatical Death Cult that controls everything you see and hear on the tube and beyond.
As another commenter said, it’s foolish to think that making just the right arguments in the right order will make the TV-brainwashed NPCs find reason. That presumption views logic as a kind of magic spell. The media’s magic is stronger and more pervasive.
At this late hour, the crisis caused by millions of people being lulled into a state of unreality has only two resolutions:
- The madness runs its course–which means the brainwashed fanatics run up against hard reality. It will break many of them–and many normal people, since the Cult is dragging everyone down with them. The survivors start the slow work of rebuilding.
- A serious opposition comes to the fore and gains control of the Tube.
Notice that I made no mention of party. That’s because both wings of the bifactional ruling elite are driving and enabling this madness. One faction pushes for chaos; the other plays gatekeeper to neutralize any effective resistance to chaos.
Don’t believe me?
Imagine if Alex Jones were FCC Chairman, Peter Thiel President of Alphabet, Mel Gibson CEO of Disney, Jon Del Arroz Editor-in-Chief of Marvel Comics, and Milo Yiannopoulos Publisher of Simon & Schuster.
You may not like or agree with everyone on that list. But all of them have proven willing to stick their necks out to produce or at least promote counterculture media.
The Death Cult knows that their power depends on control of the propaganda organs. That’s why they’re so desperate to jam any signal that competes with theirs.
If you want a return to sanity, support creators who are working to build the counterculture. Or throw your hat in the ring and create your own art.
And never give money to people who hate you.