Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

An End to Medical Tyranny?

Johnson Ends Covid

Earlier this week, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced a drastic rollback of Covid restrictions in the UK.

Watch his full announcement:

Some are hailing the PM’s statement as the end of medical tyranny. Starting next Thursday, the British government will no longer mandate vaccine passports, face masks in public and in schools, or working from home. Instead, the government will continue to encourage British subjects to keep performing those rituals on their own.

Those who are declaring the pandemic dead are acting prematurely. Johnson’s own statement frames the UK’s policy change not as lifting all Covid restrictions, but dialing them back from Plan B to Plan A. They’re backtracking a step, but there’s nothing to prevent them from reinstating Plan B.

Another loophole many have missed is that, while the government will no longer enforce Covid mandates, they won’t prevent businesses from imposing their own. Offices, theaters, and pubs can still require people to present proof of vaccination and wear muzzles to enter. It’s a good bet that many will.

Of course, the big question on everyone’s mind is “Why now?” After all, we were just told to spend the winter cowering in terror of the Nth Covid variant. What’s changed?

The answer is that nothing has changed. Our rulers are still fanatical death cultists who hate us. What they’re doing is running a play we’ve seen them use before: easing restrictions only as a precursor to mandating harsher ones.

People might object that oligarch mouthpieces like Johnson can’t pull a 180 after equating Covid to the flu and saying it’s time we learned to live with it. Those people forget how many times the so-called experts have flipflopped on masks and vaccine effectiveness.

If the ongoing crisis has proved anything, it’s that legacy media can make the cultists do anything. Your Boomer wine aunt will go right back to triple masking at home the second the BBC or CNN issue a new bull.

That’s how psychological warfare works. Applying constant pressure risks making the targets break in unpredictable ways. They trick is to release some – but not all – of the pressure every once in a while to keep people acclimated. That’s the cycle we’ve seen for two years, it’s been successful beyond our rulers’ dreams, and they have zero incentive to stop it now.

The upshot is that our elites aren’t the sharpest knives in the drawer. It’s looking pretty clear now that they had no long-term plan for the monster they created. On the contrary, they did what they always do and seized on a crisis for political advantage. It helped them get Trump out of the picture. Then the much-hyped vaccine rollout was supposed to mollify all the panicked cat moms. But the Coof Cult has refused to be appeased, no matter what the ruling class tries.

Our elites thought it would be a good idea to feed a tiger a sheet of LSD and take her for a ride. Now they’ve found they can’t let go, so the only thing for it is to tighten their grip.

Prepare for chaos.


Space pirates OD on the spice from Dune and wake up on Cthulhu’s couch.

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