When a nation’s established ruling order is overthrown or subverted, the new regime’s first goal is to cement its authority. That means memory holing any evidence of a change from one form of government to another. It also entails silencing those who question the new rulers’ legitimacy.
Revolutionaries learned a long time ago that you don’t have to gag every opponent of the revolution. Most of the time, making examples of the most prominent and outspoken troublemakers suffices.
In America, half the people think the 2020 election was a hamfisted color revolution, while the official narrative insists it was business as usual. A helpful way of discerning the facts is to look at the election’s outcome. Protestors used to demonstrate outside and inside the capitol for years without ruffling official feathers. Now, some who protested the election are rotting in solitary under torture. Post-January 6 2021, we live in a country that takes political prisoners.
Our rulers’ latest paranoid response to questions about their validity includes issuing congressional subpoenas to college-age kids.
Stalin’s infamous finger man Lavrentiy Beria famously said, “Show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime.” America’s effeminate ruling class can’t even be bothered to fabricate criminal accusations. The mere act of challenging their claims is now grounds for federal investigation. The Leftist revolution that began with college kids with bullhorns flooding Washington and burning draft cards has led to secret police.
Past revolutionaries also learned that silencing campaigns carry risks. The choice of targets and punishments must be handled with delicacy to avoid a backlash. Making martyrs of the opposition is the last thing the regime needs.
In the case of paleocon firebrand Nicholas J. Fuentes, the regime appears to have chosen poorly.
Fueled by news of the congressional witch hunt, Nick’s show surpassed 11,000 viewers last night. That viewership would make the front page of the biggest streaming sites, and Nick did it on a homemade platform put together by a few Zoomers.
And even jaded Gen Y streamers are taking notice.
The regime’s goals with the Fuentes subpoena are transparent. By mentioning the cryptocurrency Nick got from that French millionaire in the same breath as the capitol protest, they want to pluck a thorn from their side while creating a pretext for placing crypto under government control.
It’s the same play we’ve seen our rulers run since 2017: Associate the target with shady characters in the media. Use the media hatchet job to declare the target guilty in the court of public opinion. Associate a new target with the old target. Crypto is just the latest link in the daisy chain.
In this instance, the hirelings employed by our elites to pretend to govern may have gotten carried away. This time they’re not hauling costumed weirdos out of trailer parks into show trials. Boomers watching the proceedings at home will see clean-cut, articulate kids getting grilled by billionaires’ bagmen. They’ll flash back to the HUAC hearings and imagine their grandkids on the stand.
Not to mention that the circus troupe who’ve set up shop in Congress aren’t the brightest crayons in the box. The groypers have run rings around congressmen before. They will humiliate the clods on the committee.
The regime have painted themselves into a corner. They can air the groyper trials and be pantsed in front of the world, or they can keep the hearings secret. The latter option rather defeats the point of making examples, though.
Whatever the hearings’ outcome, it’s vital to internalize that America is over. The tyranny we live under now is worse in some ways than the iron boot of the Soviet Union. At least soviet subjects knew the rules and how to stay under the radar. Liberal democracy has created a panopticon where everyone spies on everyone else.
Such an unnatural arrangement cannot stand. Be prepared for chaos.
Happy, hopeful, and practical