diverse hollywood

Diversity Devours Hollywood

But like a snake eating its own tail, the film industry's autophagy can go on indefinitely. The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts & Sciences—the industry’s central nervous system—had been founded in 1927, and now it had 8,469 voting members. It had tried over the years, and especially since Donald Trump’s…
Conservative Creatives

Conservative Creatives

A reader on Twitter asks: Starting a parallel cinema scene is becoming an ever-more feasible option for conservatives and dissidents. It's easier and cheaper than ever to make your own movie. An enterprising director could crowdfund a slick little indie film. Professional grade editing software; even high-end hardware like a…
Saint Peter

Where Peter Is, There Is the Church

My recent posts covering Pope Francis' scathing correction of fur parents have caused another Catholic derangement syndrome flareup. CDS sufferers are nothing if not predictable, possessing a great deal of overlap with Conservative NPCs. So, their hatred of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church has taken the form of…
Modern Art

Modern Art Is No Object

We've discussed before how Millennials and Zoomers suffer from a peculiar aesthetic disability. Unlike past generations, many of them seem unable to engage with artistic works on anything but a subjective level. A Big Brand X viewer from Generation Y on back would say, "I want to be devoted like…

Incel Messianism

Yesterday's post on Pope Francis' stern rebuke against cat moms drew a number of critical comments--not just from the Child Free™ and loving it crowd, but from ostensible dissidents, too. That's not surprising, since the fallout from the Sexual Revolution has tainted every corner of modern life, even the counterculture.…
Cat Mom

Catholics v Cat Moms

In yet another instance of the Pope being, in fact, Catholic, Francis has issued a scathing rebuke against cat moms. Fur babies do not have his blessing. Pope Francis, 85, had some choice words for the childless at the Vatican on Wednesday. In remarks to a general audience, the Catholic…
rascal boomer

A Subtle Despair

Commenter Rudolph Harrier responds to Monday's post with a meditation on Boomers' noteworthy resistance to the black pill. Some thoughts on why the boomers largely haven’t fallen to despair: -Despite their constant complaints about kids being ruined by technology, the truth is that they have been raised by TV their…

It’s Not the Economy

One encouraging sign heading into 2022 is that the counterculture has for the most part rejected the Conservative obsession with ascribing economic causes to social phenomena. Sad to say, this undead meme has seen a resurgence since Mister Metokur's New Year's Eve stream, so let's drive another stake in its…
retro newton


As Western civilization crumbles, it's easy to forget that the errors which have ushered in a new dark age were sold to us as keys to a bright, shiny future. Progress undergirds the Death Cult's moral myth in a manner similar to how salvation informs Christian teleology. The Cult's evangelists…