Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Where Peter Is, There Is the Church

Saint Peter

My recent posts covering Pope Francis’ scathing correction of fur parents have caused another Catholic derangement syndrome flareup. CDS sufferers are nothing if not predictable, possessing a great deal of overlap with Conservative NPCs. So, their hatred of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church has taken the form of swipes at the Pope informed by fake news of the kind they’d dismiss out of hand concerning Donald Trump.

Since public education and Facebook have rendered many people incapable of processing information in any form besides Boomer meme infographics, the following is presented for their edification.

Let’s clear the air, shall we? Clown World is a divine chastisement levied on the West for turning our backs on Jesus Christ. That same Jesus who was crucified for our sins founded a visible Church and appointed Simon Peter her head on Earth. He further promised that His Church would endure forever, which de facto establishes an unbroken succession for the office Peter held.

Have Peter’s heirs always behaved with perfect Christian virtue? Of course not. Have many of them erred in political and private theological matters? Without a doubt. Have some of them been grave, manifest sinners? Yes. The same holds true for the overwhelming majority of Holy Church’s members. Those collective violations of the Church’s teachings by her flock and shepherds caused ruptures in the Mystical Body of Christ. Those breaks with Tradition first led men to reject apostolic authority, then biblical authority, and finally reason itself. And that is why men in sundresses using the little girls’ room is now a civil right.

The Church’s hierarchs sinned by acting contrary to divinely revealed precepts. Schismatics and heretics sinned by acting according to their own invented precepts. The way out of the resulting circus is for all three camps to repent and rejoin full communion with Christ’s body.

And where Peter is, there is the Church.


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