In case you’re wondering what level of totalitarian hysteria the Death Cult is on, their Twitter inquisitors have locked the account of Christian-themed satire site The Babylon Bee.
The parody paper’s offense? Referring to this person as a man:
The Babylon Bee has selected Rachel Levine as its first annual Man of the Year.
Levine is the U.S. assistant secretary for health for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, where he serves proudly as the first man in that position to dress like a western cultural stereotype of a woman. He is also an admiral in the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps. What a boss!
The people of the lie were none too pleased.
To his credit. Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon refused to bow to Twitter’s persecution.
If more Christians had shown that level of fortitude ten years ago, women would still have their own sports leagues and restrooms.
Babylon Bee Editor in Chief Kyle Mann followed up Dillon’s tweets with an all-too-common observation:
The ironic thing about Clown World is how humorless it is.
A thorough rectification of names is long overdue.
For a thrilling look at a post-future where things’ right names have been restored, read my hit mecha series: