Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Proving the Religious Right

Pagan Ritual

Contra the media-brainwashed NPCs who parrot the Satanic Panic zombie meme, reality keeps proving the religious right … right.

EAST GREENWICH, R.I. (AP) — Several animal heads found in a plastic bag in East Greenwich last month appear to be related to some sort of religious animal sacrifice ritual, the Rhode Island Society for the Prevention of Cruelty said Tuesday.

The bag, originally brought to the attention of police on Feb. 25 near a boat launch, contained a calf’s head, several rooster heads, a lamb head, and a kid goat head, the animal welfare group said in a statement.

“It is believed that animal remains that were found were from animals that were sacrificed as part of a religious ritual,” the nonprofit organization said.

The bag also contained grains and colored cloth material “associated with previous animal sacrifice investigations,” and two hand-drawn pictures, the organization said. One looked like a letter D with an arrow through it and one looked like a smiling theater mask.

The RISPCA asked anyone with information about the bag or the significance of the drawings to contact their investigators.

Dear normies – including normie Conservatives – who dismissed the threat of Satanism because hysterical 80s moms shrieked about D&D groups calling demons: You’ve been had.

The press, which is the PR department of the Death Cult, which is under demonic influence, loves misdirection. Their go-to move for covering up stories contrary to their narrative is distracting the public with red herrings.

Did you already forget how the media buried the serious allegations of child sex abuse plaguing Clinton’s team back in 2016? They went out and found the nuttiest tinfoil hat cranks on the fringes of Pizzagate and associated everyone raising substantive allegations with them. They’ve used the exact  same tactic to neutralize every dissident political movement till now.

This is not a new tactic. The lie, in all its ugly forms, is the only play in the enemy’s book.

Stop being fooled. Put down your phone. Turn off the TV. Go outside.

And stop paying attention to people who hate you.

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