Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Soypriests of the Pedomouse


In a predictable follow up to a story this blog reported earlier, the soypriests of the pedomouse are doubling down on their child grooming agenda.

Walt Disney corporate employees were reportedly caught on camera discussing efforts to include more LGBT content in the company’s programming during company meetings discussing a Florida education bill, according to videos shared by Manhattan Institute senior fellow and activist Christopher Rufo.

A woman Rufo identified as Latoya Raveneau, an executive producer at Disney, reportedly boasted about injecting “queer” content into children’s shows and said the company made no effort to stop her during a meeting discussing Florida’s Parental Rights in Education bill, according to one of the leaked videos. The legislation, which bans instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity in kindergarten through third grade, was signed by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Monday.

What more proof do you need?

At this point, it’s not beyond the pale to think that Disney is a bigger child grooming ring than the Finders.

Raveneau reportedly said she had heard rumors at other studios that the company restricted LGBT content and that they “won’t let you show this in a Disney show,” but her experience while working at Disney was “bafflingly the opposite,” according to the video. The woman added that leadership was very welcoming of her “not-at-all-secret gay agenda.”

“I don’t have to be afraid to, like, let’s have these two characters kiss,” Raveneau reportedly said, according to the video obtained by Rufo. “I was just, wherever I could just basically adding queerness … no one would stop me and no one was trying to stop me.”

Silence is assent.

A man Rufo identified as production coordinator Allen March reportedly said the company’s “Moon Girl” team was “really open to exploring queer stories,” according to another video, and said he used a tracker to make sure shows had enough LGBT characters to accurately reflect modern day New York, where the show takes place.

Credit where credit’s due for the fitting team name. They must have taken inspiration from their primary job role.

It’s not speculation anymore. Nor is it a conspiracy theory. You’ve just heard high-level Disney employees explain their plans to corrupt your kids.

If, despite the orgy of evidence that Disney is bent on condemning your children to a degenerate life and an eternity in Hell, you keep paying for their movies, subscribing to Disney+, and buying their merch, you’re worse than they are.

Because at least the Death Cult is willing to act according to their beliefs – twisted as they are.

Once again

Stop giving money to people who hate you.

Here’s how:

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