Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Spiritual Ground Zero


Hat tip to author JD Cowan for bringing my attention to the following chart:

According to those numbers, religiosity – read: Christianity – among Americans aged 18-35 plummeted from near 90 percent in 1991 to 75 percent in 1998.

My, what could have happened in between?

The mean age of people who were 18-35 in 1998 was 26. That’s smack dab in the middle of Generation X.

Those same Gen Xers would have been entering college for the first time in 1991.

Where After the Ball, a 1989 gay propaganda book by Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen, was in vogue.

It can’t be overstated how influential that book was. Almost overnight it whitewashed the image of sodomy from a seedy vice practiced at bathhouses and truck stops to a self-affirming activity enjoyed by people who were just like Ward and June Cleaver – aside from leading sterile, promiscuous sex lives.

The glut of pozzed content pumped into the media in the book’s wake was no accident.

NormieCons should take two lessons from the above.

First, sodomy is incompatible with Christianity. Despite various wolves in sheep’s clothing preaching otherwise. The numbers show that poz and apostasy go hand-in-hand.

The establishment GOP’s growing penchant for Death Cult sacred cows should be a blaring wake-up call.

Second, sending Xers and every later generation to college was an utter disaster. Boomers may have thought it would get their kids low-work/high pay jobs, but for the most part it reverted them to heathenry and buried them under unserviceable debt.

The Death Cult’s capture of all media and academia on the Boomes’ watch decimated American Christianity. The result is the Clown World you see outside your window.

You can tell the Cult planned it this way by how shook they are at Elon Musk taking over Twitter.

If they cared about their kids futures – especially in eternity – BoomerCons should have spent the past 30 years and their unprecedented wealth buying every media outlet, Big Tech firm, and private college.

It’s still not too late. If folks like Peter Thiel and the Mercers just bought controlling interest in Disney, we could turn this ship around.

But that’s not gonna happen because, as Uncle Elon himself tweeted:

Old age is at long last removing Boomers’ death grip on the levers of power. Generation I-can’t-change-a-tire is taking the reins just as everybody drops the dollar as their reserve currency and the US falls to third world status.

Change is coming.

Be prepared.


I’ll note that the background lore of my hit mecha thriller Combat Frame XSeed is starting to read like the daily news. Get a glimpse of the post-future.

Read it now

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