Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Blame to Go Around

Francis and Putin

While both wings of America’s bifactional elite preach the same party line on the ongoing conflict abroad, Pope Francis is signaling a departure from the narrative.

Pope Francis has been steadfast in his opposition to the war in Ukraine, decrying the violence that it has wrought on innocent civilians. At the same time, the pope suggested there was blame for the war to go around beyond Russia and Vladimir Putin.

On Tuesday, an Italian newspaper published an interview with Francis where he declined to state what he believed was Putin’s exact motivations for launching the war against Ukraine on Feb. 24. However, the pope suggested that the West could bear some responsibility for what he says may have been its provocation of Putin.

“Maybe it was NATO barking at Russia’s gate that compelled Putin to unleash the invasion of Ukraine,” Francis speculated in the interview with Corriere Della Sera. He repeated that he had “no way of telling whether his [Putin’s] rage” had been provoked, but added it was his suspicion the war was “maybe facilitated by the West’s attitude.”

He added: “You cannot think that a free state can wage war on another free state…In Ukraine, it seems that it was others who created the conflict.”

It’s astounding, really. You could replace every instance of “Pope Francis” with “Tucker Carlson” and no one would bat an eye.

Maybe because the Pope is, you know, serious about being anti-war.

Is Francis theologically sloppy? Yes. Pastorally inconsistent? Yep. Does he lean left in terms of personal politics. Almost definitely.

None of that changes the fact that he’s the most conservative sovereign in the West.

H/t to Classical Theist.


Anyway, my vision of how the post-future turns out receives more and more vindication each day.

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