A large segment of the US population spend a sizable portion of their lives confined to state institutions fortified by fences, metal detectors, and federal guards.
If you thought I was talking about federal prisons, you haven’t been paying attention.
It was bad enough the National School Boards Association asked the Biden administration to consider labeling parental opponents of various school policies “domestic terrorists”; an early draft of the association’s letter, however, wanted the National Guard and military monitoring school board meetings.
According to Fox News, that draft read “We ask that the Army National Guard and its Military Police be deployed to certain school districts and related events where students and school personnel have been subjected to acts and threats of violence.”
The draft also referred to parents who voiced opposition to school policies as “plotters who are targeting schools and educators” but it also (wisely) deleted a section which “cast doubt on whether critical race theory is being taught in schools.”
Not long ago, dissidents were called tinfoil hat schizos for warning parents that the state would come for their kids.
What everybody missed is that the state didn’t have to come for our kids. Most of us surrender them into the government’s clutches for eight hours a day, five days a week.
Don’t abandon your kids to people who hate you.
The ruling Death Cult enshrines sterility as a major article of faith. So it uses the schools to proselytize to your kids.
Normal people taking back the education system is unlikely. The cultists are too entrenched.
That’s why reclaiming the culture is so vital. Parents who home school often vent their frustration at taking serious steps to protect their kids, only to have degeneracy a tap or a click away.
But now, newpub and neopatronage are paving a way to carve out a healthy entertainment market for our kids – and us.
Support creators who want to entertain you, not brainwash you.