Recent interactions on Twitter made me think it’s time for a reminder about why we need the Witch Test, and how to apply it.
In all the years I’ve run this blog, nothing I’ve written has galled the Death Cult more than my observation that their heretical religion is informed and motivated by demonic influence.
Here’s a comment that recently showed up out of the blue on a post I wrote seven years ago.
Note the result of my little demonic activity check. The anon who went to the trouble of digging up a post from 2015 just to leave a mocking comment suddenly falls silent when I ask him to make a profession of faith in Jesus Christ. This wasn’t the last instance of that phenomenon.
A reference to the same post from 2015 appears in a 2017 post by a devotee of the oldpub wing of the Pop Cult.
The Cultist wants everyone to know he had a hearty laugh at my warning that Leftists show signs of demonic obsession. Meanwhile, he isn’t bothered by superstitious mumbo jumbo.
But just four days after the drive-by comment on my old demonic activity post, he showed up to troll the comments.
That’s him performing Exorcist style contortions to avoid admitting that the shape below is a triangle:
And note that he won’t admit it to me. He has no problem calling the triangle by its right name in his first comment in the second image, which was a reply to someone else in the same thread.
I went ahead and applied the test.
Mirabile dictu, the trolling stops. It’s like flipping a switch! A pattern is starting to emerge here.
Witches have no problem running their mouths when it comes to snarky sniping at normal people. But they can’t bring themselves to profess faith in You Know Who, not even in jest.
Guess what an aversion to holy things is a sign of.

By now everyone knows that the slippery slope is real. What the Death Cult denies up and down one day, they enforce with threats the next. Just as with butt marriage and child grooming, your celebration of and participation in open Satanism will soon be legally mandated.
Free market worship and the NAP are no match for the twisted religion of conquest that is the Death Cult. Wake up, repent, and believe in Our Lord Jesus Christ, who alone has authority over demons.
The above exchange documents the origins of the Witch Test. For more on how to administer this inerrant Death Cultist detector, read my #1 best seller.
The Witch Test has worked for me 100% of the time, no fail. I’ve used it since your original blog post.
Thanks be to God!
Good grief, God botherers pimping silly books for the gullible.
Pathetic really.
Not as pathetic as the conquered economic zone that used to be Ireland
I have never understood why those who claim to be Christian would be irked (or worse) at being called on (even commanded) to proclaim Christ crucified and risen.
For myself: Any resentment I might have is completely overshadowed by the joy in proclaiming Christ.
Thank you for cutting through the BS excuse “I don’t owe my confession to you!” and getting to the heart of the matter.
Woe to us if we do not proclaim Christ, in and out of season.
This is a world where the establishment eagerly shut down masses over the coof (and in Minnesota even tried to keep them closed when everything else reopened.) At the same time they talk about how it’s not reasonable to get gays to stop having orgies to prevent the spread of Monkeypox (or AIDS for that matter.)
Honestly it’d be more surprising if demons weren’t involved.
They also want us all to be scared of an STD, that they’ll almost admit is an STD while pretending it isn’t, while also pretending it’s not concentrated in gay male populations, after admitting that it is. They’ve got the double-talk cranked up to 11 on this one.
The risk to a straight person who’s not sleeping around is literally 0.0%, as anyone who’s done the math can see. For this, they want to declare a global health emergency. If there’s a silver lining, it’s that a couple of years of WuFlu gas-lighting has made their fear-mongering ridiculous
Worse still, they’re admitting it’s a disease spread by sodomites through debauched sex acts, then they report cases in children. They then admit those are children ripped from their natural mothers and fathers to suffer state-enforced abuse in sodomites’ homes.
And then, after all that, they deny it has anything to do with sodomy.
Everyone involved except the kids deserves to be in prison.
I think those quotes from the inimitable CF are probably the finest examples of his tendency to torture language and irrationality into som semblance of reason I have ever seen. And he’s all over the place, has banned from all the best locations. But that “Triangle Argument” is pure, distilled evil CF.
I had thought I’d seen it all.
The Witch Test has proven time and time again, that it not only works, but that a shocking number of people we see every day, who can manage to portray themselves as somewhat ‘normal’ for short periods, are in fact demon obsessed people when put to that single question.
Good observation. That is why the best course of action is just not talking to these people. No information of value is exchanged. It’s all noise from their end. And that noise is generated by evil that can be infectious.
Over Twenty years ago, I had a friend, a Philosophy Professor, who argued just that same way. Thanks for the triggering flashback. ^_~
Jesus Christ has been my King & Redeemer for 31 years as of last month. Also as of last month, I ‘celebrated’ my 29th year of living with Chronic Pain. (Inoperable Spinal Damage) It has destroyed my career, my health, my hobbies, my social life, but worst of all, caused a tremendously deep resentment in the Woman I love. A resentment I am powerless to stop.
Since 2014, I have watched with impotent horror as she falls more & more into the Cultural Marxist lies (and let’s not pussyfoot around. This brand of CM came directly from the 1920’s Frankfurt School, pushed by a group of Kabbalists. Kabbalah is, of course, nothing more than a geometric version of Satanism.) When we married, she called me her, ‘Modern Jerimiah’. Not long ago I asked her if she ever felt like Job’s Wife, wanting me to, “Curse God and Die.” Her exact response? “I would never say anything THAT cruel to you.”
But, she hasn’t divorced me. I am completely dependent on her, she could leave me & my Boat Anchor at any time, but she hasn’t. In her mind I am now a ‘Sexist’, ‘Racist’, ‘Transphobe’. Yet she is still here. The Divorce Rate among couples where one Spouse is disabled is 80%. Yet we are still married. It’s not much of a marriage these days, but still it exists.
Scripture encourages us to, ‘Hope all things’. Despite days where my body feels like wax, my mind like oatmeal & my heart filled with a pain that dwarfs my physical agony, I have not lost Hope. I have kept the Faith, I still live in Love. No matter what, I will continue to trust in Christ Jesus & the Promise He made. I know that no matter what, the final victory will be His and Ours for those who trust in Him.
God Bless you, friend. You have incredible faith, and it will be amply rewarded. I’m sorry that I can’t say or do anything more than that, but I will pray for you, brother. God Bless.