Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier



Anyone who’s been paying attention knows that the entertainment industry is now the Death Cult’s propaganda organ. The more astute observers know that the subversion of Hollywood started decades ago.

The movie, music, and game industries aren’t alone in their anti-evangelism for the new civic religion. Almost every major corporation has enthusiastically jumped on the antichrist bandwagon. As a matter of fact, they’re driving it.

Here’s megacorp uber-nerd Bill Gates explaining his plan to make people imbibe shit. The fact that a captain of industry is trying to literalize an old insult tells us two things:

  1. The heads of megacorps have too much money and power.
  2. The folks in charge of those megacorps are unserious nerds living out their most paranoid power fantasies.

Even the more astute cultural observers who see that the rot started as far back as the 60s tend to have a blind spot for the 80s. But the Death Cult’s hold on major studios hadn’t slackened since The Pawnbroker and Easy Rider. Amid the pulp resurgence led by relative outsiders like George Lucas, it was easy to miss the ongoing subversion beneath the surface.

A vector for that subversion that largely flies under the radar is the nerd comedy subgenre that carved out a niche in the 80s. 1984’s Revenge of the Nerds is the prime example, but all of these flicks had the same basic premise: a motley gang of college misfits get hassled by the football team and use their smarts to get even. Hilarity ensues.

Because people naturally root for the underdog, audiences overlooked the subtext of these movies. The sympathetically drawn protagonists were always a bunch of neckbeards, spergs, and effeminates–including drag queens–put upon by normal people.

If you’re at all clued in to how the Death Cult operates, that inverted dynamic will look awfully familiar. Like all religions, the Cult gives its adherents an identity. That identity, which is on thinly veiled display in the nerd revenge flicks, is that of the long-suffering underdog persecuted by the tyrannical majority. Even in the 80s nerd movies, the tyrants are always straight, white Christians.

It’s no accident that those movies’ plots look like 2010s Reddit with a time machine. The whole point is to portray deviancy as smart and cool while denigrating normality. That’s culture war in a nutshell.

Fast forward thirty years, and real-life nerds who watched these movies in high school now run global corporations with undreamed-of war chests. Guys like Bill Gates, Tim Cook, and Sundar Pichai still see themselves as victims just because normal Americans exist. They’re still fighting the Man long after having become the Man. It’s a Nerdocracy, and we’re all WASPish ski instructors.

I suggest reclaiming what dignity you can by not contributing to our nerd overlords’ war chests.

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