Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Combat Frame Ƶ XSeed Preview


Please enjoy this preview of the final book in my epic mech saga, Combat Frame Ƶ XSeed.

Weather Satellite Elias, Marseille Colony Orbit

Heather marched down the purple carpet that ran twenty meters over the gold marble-dressed aisle. The station’s air scrubbers couldn’t quite banish the sweet smoke from dozens of candles arrayed around the carved wooden throne ahead.

She stopped just before the flickering shadow of the chair’s august occupant touched her black carbyne-shod feet. First Heather dropped to one knee, then she fell prostrate. Neither the silk carpet nor her body-hugging suit did much to cushion the hard floor.

My child,” said the wizened voice from the throne, “why do you abase yourself?”

Heather lifted her head only enough to keep the floor from muffling her words. “How can your worldly servant look upon the blessed face of the King?”

I did not deliver you from Arthur because I desired another subject.” Fine clothes rustled as the King stood and approached her. “But a daughter. Please, rise.”

Thin but strong, callused fingers took Heather’s gloved hand. She stifled the urge to flinch and slowly allowed her king to draw her up.

Isn’t that better?” King Jean-Claude du Lione’s aged yet beautiful face shone between a crown of neat white hair and a pointed beard of the same pure hue. His white, blue, and gold cape creased as he raised his arm and Heather with it.

Yes, my liege,” she whispered.

Good.” The King smiled. “What word of your brother?”

To her shame, your servant managed to spend only a short time with the Dauphin.”

Did you inform Marcus of his true birth?”

Yes, Sire. But he was not convinced.”

Heather’s sovereign gently released her arm and resumed his throne. “Only certain proof will convince one of his rationalist bent.” The King laughed. “He takes after his mother.”

Her Majesty the Queen’s calculations proved correct,” Heather said. “The Dauphin beat Adrasteia Dira in a battle of wits. However …”

The King’s blue eyes brightened. “Yes?”

Heather bit her lip. “His mind followed hers into oblivion.”

That was always a risk.” The King’s mouth formed a brooding line.

Heather stood at attention. “Your servant is prepared to endure whatever punishment His Majesty sees fit to exact.”

Nonsense. We need you now more than ever. Earth has fallen, and our Controller reigns in the ashes. Arthur will exert all his considerable power to wreak vengeance.”

What do you command, Sire?”

The King shook his snowy head. “Just once, I wish you would call me ‘Father.’ Ah, well. I have two commands for you, my child.”

Yes, Majesty?”

Your brother’s defeat of the Dira girl has left the Queen equally matched against Arthur’s witch. She sees more clearly the time when the Sovereign Protector must side with us. Go and win their allegiance to PAX.”

At once, Sire!” Heather lowered her head and backed away, but the King halted her.

Patience, child. I said I had two tasks for you, remember?”

Heather lifted her gaze. “Pardon my impulsiveness, Your Majesty! Your servant awaits your second command.”

The King’s smile returned. “Your pet was successfully rescued from Avignon. You should feed him before you leave again.”

Heather couldn’t suppress a grin of her own. “007? He’s here, safe and sound? Thank you, Sire!”

I’m sure he’ll be just as eager to see you.” The King waved a dismissal. “See to your charge, then to your task.”

Yes, Your Majesty,” Heather said with a deep bow. “Peace at any cost!”

Peace at any cost,” he agreed.


New to the XSeed S series? Start reading now to get ready for the last book’s upcoming release!

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