One little prayer chain in front of a church was all it took to make the Death Cult admit what we’ve known for years.
The motive underlying their war against straight, white men is diabolical hatred of Christ.
The occupational government of the economic zone once known as Ireland telegraphed the Cult’s plans for Christians even harder.
Pro-life campaigners and advocates for religious freedom in Ireland have expressed dismay following the news that the Irish Government intends to introduce fines and prison sentences for people who pray, hold signs, or try to persuade women not to have abortions while they are within the vicinity of an abortion clinic.
The proposed legislation would mean that individuals would not be allowed to express pro-life views within 100m of abortion clinics while also prohibiting silent prayer, the holding of placards, and any peaceful offers of alternatives to abortion.
So the country whose constitution begins “In the name of the Most Holy Trinity,” is now making prayer against child sacrifice punishable by jail time and fines up to 3 grand.
The use of abstract bug measurements in their laws was a red flag. The Bible stipulates just weights and measures. Justice is tied to reality, and the metric system don’t real.
Hate to say it, but Christians across the West asked for this letting a heretical Death Cult set the moral frame over the past 60 years.
First, they let themselves be manipulated by accusations of racism. We already had a sin for wishing harm on someone based on racial animus: hatred. We didn’t need to adopt the Death Cult’s novel terminology. And you still won’t find racism as currently defined in any moral theology manual.
Even when Boomer prelates preach against “the sin of racism,” they mean it in the first sense given above. So they’re lagging behind the Death Cult’s now-accepted definition of racist as “being a straight, white, Christian male.”
Not only is that difference enough to draw the Death Cult’s ire, the Church was never not going to draw it. As is now being made obvious to even the least observant, Leftism is just an antichrist cult.
Don’t worry, though. In terms of spiritual warfare, this is a win for the Church. Not only because it wakes people up, but because attacking the holy rosary is one of the dumbest moves the antichrist witches could make.
The rosary already helped Christendom defeat the Ottoman Empire.
It will help us beat the Death Cult.
But don’t just pray; don’t pay people who hate you.