This blog has been diligent in exposing the secular Death Cult our rulers pay homage to. I’ve documented that it has all the trappings of a religion:
- An origin story
- A moral code (though cribbed and twisted from Christianity)
- Forms of public and private worship
The latter include liturgical rites that are at least in part mockeries of Christian sacraments.
Now, the cultists feel they’ve gained such a stranglehold on the culture, they don’t even need to hide their barbaric rituals anymore.
The biggest trick Modernity pulled was convincing people there’s such a thing as material progress and that humans won’t lapse right back into Aztec style child sacrifice in the absence of Christ.
It was never about keeping “women’s healthcare” safe and rare.
It was never about looking out for everyone’s health and safety.
It’s not about letting kids affirm “who they really are.”
It’s just Moloch worship, bro.
And your Netflix, Disney+, and cable subscriptions fund it.
You can stop paying people who hate your kids.