As if to complement yesterday’s post about Con Inc. grifters trying to usurp and bury authentic dissidents, “barstool Conservatism” mouthpiece David Portnoy has enmeshed himself in a Twitter flame war against right-wing gadfly Alex Stein.
To clarify, @stoolpresidente is David Portnoy’s Twitter handle.
Note that Portnoy was ratioed into the ground by Stein, even though the former has over 10 times as many Twitter followers.
Someone tell Elon Musk’s legal team.
Maybe you’re wondering who these guys are and why you should care. Stein is a jokester who does man-on-the-street bits wherein he heckles elected officials.
Our alleged representatives are nothing more than actors hired to pretend to govern, so they should take a few jeers from the peanut gallery in stride. Of course, their pride and delusions of grandeur make them averse to hearing the truth of their charade. So they respond to Stein’s ribbing with total public meltdowns.
Portnoy is the latest pretender to let Stein get under his skin. But contrary to what he’d have you believe, he’s not so different from the others. His outfit Barstool Sports is to normie Conservative politics what “beer, boobs, and bacon” masculinity was to the manosphere scene. It’s an astroturfed attempt to steer Gen Xers who’ve had their first dose of the red pill back into Mammon worship.
And Portnoy doesn’t stop there. Because not only does he shill for gambling as in his tweet above, another sin he advocates is industrial-scale baby murder.
“I’m like, fiscally conservative but socially liberal, dude.” *takes hit off bong*
Portnoy is the avatar of low 90s Gen Xer politics – a leader among the mutant breed spawned by Political Ground Zero. Along with politician counterparts like Joe Kent, he’s here to make sure normies roused half-awake by Trump don’t get ideas above their station.
A tip for Xers and older for discerning friend from foe in the online age: Always look for loose threads and pull them. Regime members use credentialism to signal their status to each other, so they don’t bother hiding their Cult bona fides. Even Wikipedia is still a good source of red pills for this reason.
What five minutes of digging shows us is that Portnoy’s first job out of college was a gig at the Yankee Group. Founder Howard Anderson sold the Yankee Group to Reuters the same year Portnoy started working there, which means Portnoy spent four years working for Reuters. That’s the same regime media organ now calling for the censorship of BitChute, Rumble, and Odysee – three independent platforms that still host videos from cancelled guys like Stein and Fuentes.
The crowning touch:
Yep, that is neocon Dan Crenshaw, a warmonger so bellicose he threatens kids on video, retweeting Portnoy’s anti-Stein hissy fit.
This is like the moment in PCU when A Bridge too Far comes on, proving Pigman’s Caine-Hackman theory.
Which is fitting, because the casual sex and party drugs-obsessed vague Libertarians who are the heroes of PCU exemplify the kinds of guys who front Barstool Sports. And they’re what the Con Inc. faction of the regime want younger Conservatives to be.
Don’t fall for it.