Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

The Selloff

Musk Stock

One month after Twitter announced a suit to force Elon Musk to buy them – after fighting to keep him from buying them – a second major sellof of Tesla stock hints that Musk’s deal may close after all.

Elon Musk sold more than $6.9 billion in Tesla shares, according to new filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission published Tuesday.

The plot twists just keep coming.

To be honest, the folks in the peanut gallery almost had me convinced that the whole deal was a ruse to cover Musk’s $8B Tesla stock sellof back in April.

But the principle of parsimony suggests a simpler reason for the subsequent $7B liquidation.

“In the (hopefully unlikely) event that Twitter forces this deal to close *and* some equity partners don’t come through, it is important to avoid an emergency sale of Tesla stock,” Musk added.

The facts give us no reason not to take Musk’s statement at face value. It’s likely that his legal team apprised him of the fact that he’s being sued in a deep blue state in a court presided over by Harvard-educated Death Cult priestess. It looks like he’s wising up to the reality that his agreement with Twitter – and the law as written – don’t matter. The outcome hinges on the opinion of some black-robed witches.

That makes things extra interesting.

Think about it from the Cult’s perspective. Twitter is one of their sacred conclaves which circulates edicts from the high priesthood. Having an infidel like Musk buy it would be like their version of Muslims turning the Hagia Sophia into a mosque.

On the other hand, letting the suit go forward will mean forcing Twitter to disclose how many accounts are fake. Which would be like admitting that there are priests inside the miraculous idol making it talk.

But on the other, other hand, ruling in Twitter’s favor would force Musk to spend $44B on a grossly overvalued company. Or pay $1B of his own cash to get out of it. Which would hurt him personally, which is what Death Cultists live to do to their enemies.

Altogether, these developments indicate that the dilemma Musk forced the Cult onto has grown a third horn.

It’s a Xanatos triceratops.

Perhaps this whole business started as some kind of stock scheme. No matter. The Jurassic beast Musk has engineered has built so much momentum, he must ride it all the way to the finish line.

He’s no longer just invested, he’s committed.

Whatever the outcome, buying Twitter is still the best idea Musk ever had. It’s solid gold.


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