If you’ve been following this blog and others like it these past two years, you know that I and other commentators made a couple of key predictions about the 2020 election’s fallout.
Chief among them were that …
- The regime would convict Trump on dubious federal charges, thus disqualifying him from running again, and
- Puppet Pal Joe would not serve out his entire term.
It’s taken about a year longer than expected, but the regime has now made its move to neutralize Trump once and for all.
Eric Trump reported that yesterday, FBI agents raided the former president’s home in Florida. The elder Trump wasn’t there, but the feds were able to make off with boxes of documents from Mar-a-Lago’s offices.
The search warrant is said to concern this:
We’re also told that someone from the National Archives tipped off the FBI, who ransacked Trump’s residence in the hope of finding classified documents. Never mind that the President is the ultimate authority on what is and is not classified, and he can choose to declassify any materials at his sole discretion.
Of course, if we’ve learned one thing, it’s that the rules as written no longer matter. The regime has the power to do as they please, while we their subjects suffer what we must. Trump is finding out too late that he is in the latter category, which makes his tale a fitting tragedy. It’s doubtful the feds would have conducted such a high-profile raid if they didn’t know what they were looking for was there. And let’s dispense with any illusions: Even if it’s not, they aren’t above planting it.
In the coming months, the DOJ will announce with great fanfare that Trump had classified documents at Mar-a-Lago. This is a lesser crime than Hillary Clinton committed, but unlike her, the regime will see to it that Trump does not go unpunished. He’ll be indicted on federal charges. The feds have a 90% conviction rate, so once the indictment comes down, that will be it. The ensuing show trial will be good for some cheap entertainment, but the outcome will have been decided in advance.
It doesn’t take a psychic to foresee what will happen. Trump will get Martha Stewarted with a year or two sentence at a country club prison, just to rub it in. Then he’ll be sent back home to Palm Beach where he can’t make any more mischief for the elites. He’ll keep running his land development business while sending idle posts into the social media ghetto that’s his real prison, until he dies. But before that, he will fade from the biggest brand in the world to a Trivial Pursuit answer.
And to be blunt, that’s fine. Everyone who wasn’t engaged in wishful thinking has known since last January that voting no longer matters at the national level. The election rigging put in place under the cover of the virus scare has now been codified. Witness the laughable farce of 2020 style shenanigans turning up not just in national – but district elections, where vote counts start and stop, percentages of outstanding ballots rise and fall, and the whole charade takes a week to wrap up.
But only after enough votes are found to drag the establishment candidate into the winners’ circle, mind you.
And like it or not, a sizable share of the blame rests on Trump.
The hijinks that have made US elections into laughingstocks, even by third world standards, happened on his watch.
And long before that, he failed to purge the federal bureaucracy of Death Cult lifers hostile to him and his constituents.
In the end, Trump’s tragic flaw was this: He thought he was one of the elite when he never was. The ruling class tolerated him as long as he was a clown capering for their amusement on TV. But they reacted to him coming to DC like antibodies swarming a foreign infectious spore. Yet somehow, he never seemed to grasp that he was an outsider.
Throughout the history of palace intrigue, one rule remains constant: You do not take a shot at the king and miss.
Donald Trump squandered his shot. Now he’s paying for his failure. Many of the people who put their faith in him already are.
That last point is why Trump has proven unfit to lead and why no rational person should support him, even if he somehow makes it out of this mess he made. Trump has insufficient loyalty to his followers. That is not a momentary lapse of judgment. It is a persistent character flaw. When the chips are down, he will abandon his people again.
Barring some road to Damascus moment, that is. But even if Trump has a profound change of heart, he will need to prove it with concrete results before anyone should consider trusting him again.
Like all tragedies, Trump’s negative example can be an occasion for greater good. Otherwise smart, well-meaning people in positions of influence can take Trump’s removal from the board as a valuable lesson. There is no voting our way out of this – not with the electoral system totally compromised. Nor do we need a Boomer TV daddy to swoop in and save us.
The only one who can save us is Jesus Christ. Only He ever could. We can take comfort in that truth.
That’s not a cope or a call to retreat into Christian ghettoes. Jesus is the Lord of history, who remains in firm control. He’s given us a ray of hope, even in these dark times.
For Trump did bear fruit. By blundering into Washington and presenting the regime with a real threat, he forced them to drop their kabuki theater act. The political class and their toadies in the media had already been killing their own credibility every day of the Trump admin. Sending federal agents to toss an ex-president’s home finished off the last of the faith many folks had in the system.
When even turbo-normie tier pundits and pinko bugmen start wringing their hands about a collapse of public trust, it’s a good sign.
There’s no sugarcoating it. The situation’s about to get rough. And it will keep getting rougher indefinitely.
But you can take steps now to shield yourself and your family from the worst:
- Cultivate a rich prayer life
- Learn to grow a simple garden
- Have effective means of defense and know how to use them wisely
- Get out of the cities
- Develop income streams independent of a corporate paycheck
My friend and client Adam Lane Smith has had great success on that last front. And he’ll teach you how to break your dependence on Death Cult megacorps.