Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Back to the Future Part III


Every American science fiction series involving time travel has to have a Western arc. It’s an unwritten law of storytelling.

And of course, the best time travel movie series is no exception.

Nor was Back to the Future’s take on the Western genre unexpected. Doc and Marty’s trip to the Old West was foreshadowed in the cliffhanger ending of Part II. And the storyline in which the Doc gets stuck in 1885 appeared in early scripts for that movie.

But the film makers decided to spin that particular time journey off into its own installment of the franchise. And we are the richer for it.

In contrast the the previous two films in the series, the synopsis for Back to the Future Part III will be much more straightforward. Because it has a less convoluted plot.

You can see the secret of this movie’s success. Every transition between two plot points until the conclusion can be described as “therefore” or “but”. That is master-level pacing.

Other commenters have noted that the first two movies in this series never waste a second of screen time. With the third installment, Zemeckis and Gale perfected their approach. Back to the Future III’s plotting and editing are as tight as fiddle strings.

It helps that Part III features even more action than its two predecessors, which is only fitting for a Western. And like all good homages, this isn’t just a Western-flavored sci fi story. The plot works as a Western even if you take out the science fiction tropes.

The same goes for Doc and Clara’s romance subplot.

Speaking of which, the writers made the conscious choice to shift focus from Marty’s family to Doc’s personal conflicts. Giving him a love interest from the past was the perfect way to explore his character, especially given his strict code of scientific ethics. Doc felt like a main character waiting to break out in the first two movies, and the film makers finally let him shine at full intensity in this one.

Not that Marty doesn’t get any closure. This movie manages to close the door on the arbitrary flaw he was given in Part II, and what’s more, do it in a satisfying way.

He lost a DeLorean but gained a Hilux. I’d take that trade.

The one potentially discordant note is Doc building a second time machine after becoming adamant throughout the series that they’re too dangerous to exist. But his change of heart can be overlooked due to Clara’s influence and the story’s demand for the protagonist and the relationship character to complete their arc.

The Conclusion:

People who say that Back to the Future II is the better sequel are tasteless philistines, and maybe insane. Not only is Back to the Future III the cast and crew’s favorite, it’s a less convoluted, more tightly edited, and more satisfying entry than the incomplete transitional installment of Part II.

Dust off your VCR, pop in your Back to the Future III tape, and gather the family for one of the most endearing, entertaining trips through time in history.


Reminder: The form of FTL travel used in my second hit mech series is in fact a form of quantum time travel. The third and final book of the Combat Frame XSeed S arc is on its way. Get ready for the stunning conclusion. Read the first book now!

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