Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier


If you’ve read a self-help book, been to therapy, or attended a motivational seminar, you may be familiar with the locus of control concept. Someone with an internal locus of control is self-directed, whereas someone with an external locus of control sees himself as being at the mercy of outside forces. Folks with external loci of control are perpetually tossed hither and yon by the whims of their peer group, corporations and the government, or society as a whole.

In light of those definitions, you might expect control freaks to have internal loci of control. The reality is that having an external locus of control tends to make someone a micromanaging meddler.

This dynamic may seem counterintuitive, but it makes sense when you consider that people with external loci of control tend to lack self-discipline since they don’t think regulating their own behavior is possible. Their lack of self-control unleashes chaos in their lives, and the only way they can conceive of to mitigate the damage is to control everyone and everything around them.

Our ruling class provides us with an orgy of prime examples. Western elites lack any discernible iota of self-control. Their intemperance explains why they feel the need to impose ever more draconian dictates on us, even when those impositions prove futile or counterproductive.

We can draw two main conclusions from our rulers’ manifest spiritual deficiencies: One, they have no concern for our safety or wellbeing; two, they will never come to their senses and stop imposing humiliation rituals on their subjects. Because their actions are controlled by outside stimuli, only external factors will alter their course.

Another important consequence of our elites’ intemperance is the marked brain drain within their ranks. Human appetites are designed to be used under the guidance of the intellect. Look at anyone suffering from alcoholism or morbid obesity for proof. Every diet book and addiction treatment boils down to: “Put your intellect back in charge of your appetites.”

When the human soul is working as intended, no movement of the appetites will occur without the prior assent of the intellect. Indulging the appetite prior to or without the operation of the intellect inverts the natural process by subordinating reason in service to a lower faculty. Like shifting gears before depressing the clutch risks damage to your transmission, indulging passions before reason can render judgment risks damaging the intellect.

In other words, sin makes you stupid.

We are witnessing the fallout from generations of government and corporate leaders aggressively eroding their intellects. Clown World is not about to get less clownish anytime soon. Prepare accordingly.

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