Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Shoot the Devil

Shoot the Devil

The Superversive crew announce their latest anthology collaboration, whose central message I heartily endorse.

My lovely and talented editor L. Jagi Lamplighter writes:

Shoot the Devil-In the Face!
Stories by myself, John C. Wright, and eight other excellent authors.

Admit it. Haven’t you wanted to punch him, kick him, or even shoot him? In this action- packed volume, ten daring men and women get the chance to do just that!

Includes a Prospero Children’s story: Cornelius Prospero and a demon-possessed Illuminati have a wee disagreement over Who Rules the World.

Ten of superversive’s finest team up to bring you tales from a serial killer’s basement, to the weird west, to the average small town, all featuring “mostly” ordinary men and women fighting back against the forces of darkness.

Buy it now!

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