Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Combat Frame Data: Glaucus


Technical Data

Model number: N/A
Code name: Glaucus
Nickname: Glauc, Whip
Classification: ground assault combat frame
Manufacturer: Ynzu
Operator: Ynzu
First deployment: CY 98
Crew: 1 pilot in full-immersion cockpit
Height: 18 meters
Weight: 68 metric tons
Armor type: Fractal diamond isomer armor
Powerplant: cold fusion reactor, max output 3646 KW
Propulsion: EM impellers: 5x 17,800 kg, 4x 35,000kg; top speed 2890 kph; maneuvering impellers: 26, 180° turn time 0.73 seconds; legs: top ground speed 200 kph
Sensors: gravitic, radar, thermal, radiation, optical array; x3 main compound camera
Fixed armaments: x2 carbyne filament whip, mounted on arms; x2 anti-vehicle cannon, power rated at 0.75 MW, one mounted on each side of central eye
Special equipment: full-immersion cockpit, ion field projector, TC/D drive


General Notes

A variant of the Ynzus’ signature Claviceps combat frame, the Glaucus was also optimized for ground assaults. But instead of just laying waste to anything in its path, the Glauc had a special – and unsettling – mission profile. It specialized in capturing human technology and individuals that the Ynzu wanted intact.

To accomplish this more delicate task, the Glauc was fitted with a pair of whips that replaced the Clav’s standard gravity claws. Made from braided carbyne filaments, these whips boasted greater range and versatility, allowing the Glauc to trip, snare, and bind target CFs. Not to be mistaken for nonleathal weaponry, the whips could be superheated with energy from the Glauc’s reactor, enabling them to slice through even an XSeed’s armor with ease.

UCP forces’ first reported engagement with Glaucus type units occurred in Western Australia in CY 98. There, a single Glaucus team overpowered the One-series XSeeds piloted by UCP aces Dex Trapper and Jehu Red. Only the arrival of UCA pilot Kaiser Eckhart in his brand-new XCD-AK201 Angel King saved his teammates from capture by the deranged Controller codenamed Bluebeard.

See the Glauc in action in Combat Frame XSeed: SS!
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