Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Based Black Friday

Black Friday

And now, a word from author Hans G. Schantz,

Bypass the cultural gatekeeping, support non-woke authors, and get yourself some great books from both established and emerging talent for only $0.99 – many titles free!

These are some of the top offerings from previous book sales including science fiction grandmasters, established mainstream authors and emerging indie talent. Authors include James Alderdice, Tony Andarian, J.M. Anjewierden, Leigh Brackett, Jonathan P. Brazee, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Rachel Fulton Brown, Carlos Carrasco, Kit Sun Cheah, Paul Clayton, Alexandru Constantin, Travis J.I. Corcoran, J.D. Cowan, Lucca DeJardins, Jon Del Arroz, Declan Finn, Amanda Fleet, Milo James Fowler, Erin Furby, Adam Furman, Michael Gallagher, Charles E. Gannon, Peter Grant, Fiona Grey, Paul Hair, Harry Harrison, Frederick Gero Heimbach, Alexander Hellene, Daniel Humphreys, C.S. Johnson, Steven G. Johnson, Joseph L. Kellogg, Tom Kratman, L. Jagi Lamplighter, Christopher Lansdown, N.R. LaPoint, Frank B. Luke, Loretta Malakie, T. J. Marquis, Russell May, Michael McCloskey, Paul McKesley, Yakov Merkin, Bradley J. Mitzelfelt, Jonathan Moeller, Alexander Nader, Morgon Newquist, Brian Niemeier, Andre Norton, Christopher G. Nuttall, Deidre J. Owen, Richard Paolinelli, Iris Paustian, Francis Porretto, Matthew W. Quinn, John Ringo, Timothy Scott Roach, Justin Robinson, David Roome, C.A. Sabol, Denton Salle, Cedar Sanderson, Hans G. Schantz, Richard Sezov, Jonathan Shuerger, David Skinner, Benjamin A. Sorensen, Emily Martha Sorensen, Kevin Steverson, David V. Stewart, John Taloni, Kevin Trainor, Jr., Kalkin Trivedi, Bev Vincent, Henry Vogel, Patrick Walts, Mark Wandery, David Weber, H.G. Wells, David J. West, Barry Scott Will, Michael Z. Williamson, Ryan Williamson, Fenton Wood, John C. Wright, and Timothy Zahn.

Including the first book in my award-winning horror adventure series:

The sale runs until Monday.

Shop it now!

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