For the past year, right-wing social media has been rife with pseudo-messianism surrounding Donald Trump’s expected 2024 presidential bid. His supporters’ fervor has devolved to infighting with backers of Florida governor Ron DeSantis.
What everybody missed among the political theater is that national elections no longer matter. They haven’t for a while, but under the “Once is a fluke, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action” rule, we now have proof that presidential politics are a sham.
But being trapped in nostalgia for more prosperous times, Trump’s supporters clung to their self-made prophecy that he would return in glory and flip the calendar back to 1988.
Well, last night Trump gave his highly anticipated announcement speech, and a rehash of 1988 is just what he gave his fans.
Watch the speech here:
I won’t hold your hand because it’s been held enough.
That speech was a debacle.
Compare it to Trump coming down the escalator in 2015.
Last night, we saw nothing of the brash, vigorous maverick rolling into town to clean up Washington. We saw a tired, old politician rattling off stale GOP boilerplate.
Trump sounds like he’s forgotten – or never understood – that his supporters want him to take them back to the 80s, but they want him to do it in a fresh, spontaneous way.
Giving a performance indistinguishable from a George H.W. Bush stump speech isn’t what MAGApedes wanted. They want 2015 4 Chan in 1988 America.
But Trump’s speech did please at least one person …
DeSantis derangement syndrome sufferers had only one cogent argument for hating him: The fact that he’s attracted establishment support.
Sad to say, there’s just no way to reconcile swamp creature supreme Graham’s ringing endorsement with Trump as anti-establishment candidate. Any attempt to square that circle at this point is a cope.
It’s not happening, MAGA Millennials, and ZoomerCons. Internet Daddy’s not coming back.
You’ve had one Savior all along. He’s using this tribulation to invite you to seek Him and repent.
The Left only hated Trump because they sensed that Conservatives made him a stand-in for Christ.
At the end of the day, the one thing the Death Cult is enraged and terrified by the thought of you doing is turning back to Jesus Christ.
Don’t keep Him waiting.
I wrote a military thriller series about a world where many people returned to Christ. That world also has giant robot fights.