Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Sheep Impact

Sheep Impact

Gotta admit, I did not see this one coming.

Then again, that’s always the one that gets you …

Dozens of sheep have been eerily walking around in a circle for 12 days straight in northern China’s Inner Mongolia region.

The bizarre behavior, captured on surveillance video, shows the large flock continuously marching clockwise in a nearly perfect circle on a farm.

Some other sheep can be seen watching from outside the rotation while others at times stand motionless in the center.

Inb4 nerds shout “The Coriolis effect!”

Video of the strange scene was tweeted Wednesday by Chinese state-run outlet People’s Daily, which reported the sheep are perfectly healthy and the cause of the behavior remains a mystery.

The sheep owner, identified as Ms. Miao, claimed the spectacle began with a few sheep before the whole flock joined in, Metro reported. Although there are 34 sheep pens at the farm, only the sheep in one of the pens — number 13 — have been acting this way.

Got that? The sheep in pen 13 had been walking in a perfect clockwise circle for 12 days.

See for yourself.

At the end of the article, they speculate that the sheep’s strange behavior might be due to a bacterial infection.

Now, I’m no veterinarian, but those sheep look to me like they’re in good physical health.

The Chinese government says the sheep are healthy. But their credibility isn’t exactly impeccable. Especially when it comes to disease outbreaks.

It is worth noting that the bacterium some are naming as the culprit usually kills infected sheep within 24 hours. These sheep were going nonstop for 12 days.

Contra my rep for calling out demonic influence, it’s not my habit to identify weird weather, military conflict, or strange animal behavior as prophetic signs. The Bible is pretty clear that, while there will be signs from Heaven warning of the end times, we will not recognize or correctly interpret those warnings.

So I’m not ashamed to admit that I have no idea what’s going on here. There just isn’t enough information yet. And wild speculation is just a waste of time.

You might want to keep an eye on this situation, though.

And for a story that’s just as eerie but already has a satisfying conclusion, read my award-winning horror adventure series.

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