Say you decide to go out for a burger. You hop in the car and hit the road, where at least three other drivers are drifting between lanes at ten miles under the limit, backing up traffic for blocks. You stop at a red light and soon feel like you’re trapped inside a smoker that’s burning dead skunks. When you get to the burger joint, the red-eyed kid behind the counter asks you to repeat your order multiple times. You eat in a hurry, barely tasting your burger, and rush home, only to be hit with another skunk cloud emanating from your neighbor’s window.
For years, legalizing weed was a central plank of the Libertarian platform. They gave reasonable-sounding justifications like lowering incarceration rates and raising local government revenue. But now that they’ve gotten their wish, it turns out they just wanted the freedom to indulge their vices by restricting decent people’s liberty to live in a healthy environment.
The Satanic regime that closed down the churches during Corona-chan’s visit didn’t legalize weed because they love liberty. They’ve renounced any duty to protect us and now mean us active harm. Just look at how they let the opioid crisis run amok.
Our rulers see the cracks forming in the current order and need bread and circuses to keep the masses distracted. They also want to keep anyone who might object to their tyranny dull-witted and weak.
Take this sorry state of affairs as another lesson in the hierarchy of cultural warfare. For decades now, Libertarian and Conservative opposition to the Death Cult has relied on appeals to freedom.
The result: They lost their liberty and conserved nothing.
Freedom is moral currency. Its worth wholly depends on the intrinsic value of the goods you can get with it.
To win, it will be absolutely necessary to abandon transactive relativism, stop pushing negatives, and champion the common good.
And Disney, Netflix, and AAA gaming are the circuses half of the equation, so it’s also necessary to stop giving money to people who hate you.