Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Reason #56,346,341 to Raise Your Own Kids

Grooming Books

This is not an isolated incident.

A California teacher who maintains a classroom library with books containing explicit sexual imagery and information on BDSM, orgies, and kinks recently claimed those books help students discover “who they are.”

That is one of the most pernicious errors of our age, and it’s a central tenet of Liberalism.

You did not create yourself. So you cannot define yourself. And were created good. Therefore, identifying yourself with your disorder is incoherent and evil.

That evil is compounded many fold when the witches in the Death Cult seminaries we call the education system impose it on children.

San Juan Hills High School teacher Danielle Serio, who goes by the name “Flint,” had recently angered parents after it was revealed she was allegedly promoting her “queer library” to students in her classroom.

Among the books displayed in the library are titles such as Juliet Takes a Breath by Gabby Rivera and Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Being Trans (But Were Afraid to Ask) by Brynn Tannehill. The books contained sexually graphic content … 

The move to lionize teachers is a Death Cult psyop. If this story doesn’t convince you, you’re beyond help.

To cite author and educator David V. Stewart:

They’re also among the lowest-IQ college majors.

Why anyone would want his child taught by someone dumber than him, I’ll never understand.

Despite receiving backlash from parents, the teacher doubled down on the sexually explicit library in a video she shared on November 21, Fox News reported.

“People get really mad about my queer library. I have like 200 titles that are specific to the LGBT community that I’ve been curating for over eight years,” Flint said in a video, according to Fox News.

“Don’t get me wrong, my students love that library. It has been very helpful for many students figuring out who they are, how to relate to their peers,” she added.

The witch has curated a collection of demonic spell books. Color me surprised.

That last bit about smut helping students figure out who they are and relate to their peers is pure diabolical perversion.

Children are not sexual. That is part of what it means to be a child. Healthy presexual persons don’t need sex books to help them relate to fellow presexual persons.

Saner civilizations understood this fact. Western society used to, until we let corrupted institutions like mandatory state schools raise our kids.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll keep saying it until non-Cultists get it through their thick heads:

Failure to home school is child abuse.

That’s not an exaggeration. If you still send your children to public school, you’re complicit in child abuse, and you belong in prison.

How much longer does your child have to suffer because you let your wife play office making PowerPoints in a cube farm?

Enough, already.

You can stop the cycle any time.

Start by not paying people who hate you.

Read how here:

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