Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

A Rash of Sacrilege


The so-called Culture War is one front in an escalating war between Satan and the Church.

You could be excused for not realizing it, since the media tends to bury reports of attacks motivated by hatred of the faith. Because the press is the enemy.

But the situation is getting so out of hand that its gravity is becoming undeniable.

Hundreds of Roman Catholic churches have been attacked since the violence that erupted nationwide following George Floyd’s death in May 2020, according to a Catholic nonprofit.

Since May 2020, there have been nearly 300 attacks against U.S. Catholic churches as far afield as Emmonak, Alaska, with the most recent tally at 275 as of Sunday, according to a tracker from CatholicVote.

The religious nonprofit organization noted that “while the riots and looting mostly died down in the summer of 2020, the attacks on Catholic churches have continued and escalated.”

The attacks against churches include arson, broken windows, decapitated statues and satanic graffiti. Some 118 incidents were logged since the May 2022 leak of the draft Supreme Court decision in Dobbs v. Jackson’s Health Organization, which overturned Roe v. Wade’s federal abortion protections.

While some of the attacks involved theft, the “vast majority” of recorded incidents were simply destruction of property, which the group said indicates “that the primary motive is not material gain,” the report said.

The primary motive for these acts of sacrilege is hatred of the Christ.

Which is the same motive that animates the Death Cult.

A report from the Family Research Council released in December also found that church attacks spiked following the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

The council’s report, titled “Hostility Against Churches Is on the Rise in the United States,” found there were 420 acts of hostility against 397 churches between January 2018 and September 2022. The attacks took place across 45 U.S. states and Washington, D.C., according to the report.

That report’s authors attributed the rise in attacks to “a collapse in societal reverence and respect for houses of worship and religion — in this case, churches and Christianity.”

“Americans appear increasingly comfortable lashing out against church buildings, pointing to a larger societal problem of marginalizing core Christian beliefs, including those that touch on hot-button political issues related to human dignity and sexuality,” the report said.

The spike in Death Cultists lashing out at God after SCOTUS somewhat complicated access to infanticide makes sense. Because child sacrifice is the Death Cult’s highest sacrament.

Sad to say, much of the blame for emboldening the Enemy lies with the current Catholic hierarchy.

Far too many priests and bishops are stuck in the 70s. If you ask them, they genuinely think everything is fine.

Yes, they are the little dog in the burning house.

The good news is that what can’t continue won’t.

Even now, the spirit of the 70s generation are in their 70s, or older.

The new crop of priests are so conservative that LibCaths are freaking out.

Zoomer Catholics want consistent doctrine and solemn, respectful liturgy.

That’s not to sugarcoat the crisis. The Church on earth is sick.

But infections make the Body produce antibodies.

Some of the greatest patristic writing dates to periods of intense persecution.

We can be confident that God will once again raise up courageous saints who will defeat the diabolical errors driving this scourging of the Church.

The rate of acceleration is accelerating so fast that Zoomers reading this might live to see the Christian renewal.

So trust in God, pray, and stop cooperating with evil.


Let me help with that last bit:

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