Yesterday’s post on the decline of Liberal Catholicism gave rise to a lot of comment. Hats off to my Twitter mutual @catholic_dan7 for posting this follow up from Fr. Chad Ripperger.
Watch the celebrated chad exorcist here:
A wealth of great stuff here
Some highlights:
- Modernism has stooped to a new low that not even the most cynical philosopher predicted. Modernists have abandoned all reason for personal emotion, because …
- As I mentioned in the comments from last time, the enemy lost every argument. But because they’ve rejected reason, they just doubled down with their corrupted will. Which led to …
- The unmitigated use of force. Our rulers don’t bother making arguments anymore. They just dictate terms, including shutting down churches. Which served as a divine chastisement for …
- Rampant sacramental abuses. It’s been an open secret for years that Catholics have been making illicit communions while in mortal sin. Each of those millions of instances is a slap in God’s face. So He let the state give us a warning by restricting easy access to the sacraments.
The implication being that if we don’t shape up, the sacraments could become even harder to receive regularly for even longer than during the lockdowns.
Which, as Fr. Chad points out, couldn’t happen without cooperation from Judases in the hierarchy. Who, sadly, are now numerous.
They’re also stuck in the 60s to the point that they really don’t see anything’s wrong and are baffled by anyone who points out problems. The End of History rears its hoary head again.
On the bright side, current events are following the pattern of chastisement laid out in Scripture – and the private revelations Fr. Chad brings up – to a T.
When God’s people screw up, He lets them experience the consequences of their sins. And if they don’t repent, He uses their enemies to humble them utterly.
If you look at certain conflicts on the world stage right now, it’s not hard to see which powers are being primed to spank the Global American Empire. And that chastisement by foreign powers echoes Marian apparitions at Fatima and Akita.
Not that you need to accept any private revelation. The pattern we’re seeing play out here is as old as Assyria and Babylon.
And we can all take comfort in knowing that God is the ruler and true final end of history.
He allows suffering to achieve justice and purify His people.
So there’s light at the end of this dark tunnel. Maybe brighter than the Church shone at the height of the High Middle Ages.
My advice to you is get holy now so you can make it through to then. Worst case scenario: You die and go to Heaven, which no earthly glory can match anyway.
Just stay diligent in your morals, constant in your prayer, and frequent the sacraments while you can, and everything will be OK.
The only reason to fret over war or societal collapse is if you’re too attached to worldly stuff.
God gives you the temporal goods necessary to fulfill His plan for your life. So even their end is in Him. If you love your stuff for its own sake, you need to break that disordered appetite.
Start by not paying people who hate you.