Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

A Branch That Withers

Burning Branches

File under: Schismatics gonna schism.

A group of 12 Anglican archbishops from around the world have announced that they no longer believe the Church of England to be their “mother church” after the General Synod voted to allow priests to conduct blessings of same-sex couples in civil union.

In a seven-point statement published on Monday, the conservative Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches (GSFA) said that with “great sorrow” it is no longer able to recognize the current Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, as “first among equals” in the global communion. The GSFA claims to represent some 75% of Anglicans worldwide.

“We pray that our withdrawal of support for him to lead the whole communion is received by him as an admonishment in love,” the press statement read.

The GSFA also claimed that through its actions, the Church of England had “departed from the historic faith” and disqualified itself as the “mother church” of the Anglican communion. The archbishops who signed the statement insisted that the decision by churches in the UK, the US, and New Zealand to allow same-sex marriage or blessings had “taken the path of false teaching.”

Good on the GSFA bishops.

It’s no secret that the Anglo branches of the Anglican Communion have joined with the World through the Flesh and severed themselves from the True Vine.

The Episcopal church in my town still has big BLM and sodomy banners out front.

On February 9, the two leaders of the Church of England, Archbishop Welby and Archbishop of York Stephen Cottrell, announced the decision by the General Synod to “publicly, unreservedly, and joyfully welcome same-sex couples in church.” It was also stated that clergy would be allowed to conduct blessing ceremonies for same-sex couples who are already married or are in a civil union.

The decision, however, fueled the heated disputes within the church. Progressives were angered by the move, claiming that it did not go far enough to offer full equality and allow same-sex marriages. Conservatives, on the other hand, argued that holy matrimony should be reserved for a union between a man and a woman.

Future theologians sifting through the madness that reigned before the Death Cult imploded will pinpoint the source of this heresy – the worst and most widespread since Arianism.

And they will identify the cause as egalitarianism.

Every institution that accommodates the Enlightenment error of universal equality goes full Death Cult.

It’s how they forced butt marriage on us in the first place.

Go back and read the progressive Anglicans’ complaint that breaking the Church’s ancient teachings against sodomy doesn’t go far enough.

They say it doesn’t offer full equality.

Here’s the rub: “Full equality” is a meaningless slogan. It’s an abstract spook with no basis in reality.

Equality is like freedom in that it has no meaning without reference to a separate concrete good.

Just like you can ask Liberals “Freedom to do what?”

You can ask Death Cultists “Equal in regard to what?”

In this case, a Cultist might say, “Equal to opposite-sex married couples.”

But that answer contains the admission that opposite-sex and same-sex couples are different; therefore not equal; therefore pretending they are equal is insane.

And because the Death Cult is motivated by primitive fanaticism instead of reason, they don’t rethink their position when it’s falsified.

They lost every economic, political, philosophical, and theological argument of the past century. But like their Enlightenment forebears did with Aristotle and Aquinas, they just pretended they won and continued their war against Logos.

Which is how we get laws against calling men in wigs women.

It’s the only way the Death Cult can double down on their equality worship: Since even their twisted creed must acknowledge that differences rule out equality, they must abolish all differences.

And the great equalizer is death, hence the name Death Cult.

The smart money is on the GSFA rejoining the Catholic Church.

It doesn’t make much sense to stay Anglican when a) your church is in Uganda and b) Canterbury has fallen into grave, manifest error.

This is why the Catholic Church established an ordinariate for groups of ex-Anglicans to enter full communion with Rome.

Say what you want about the Catholic Church’s blemishes. Even Pope Francis has restated perennial Catholic teaching on sexual morality in his recent interviews.

And Rome keeps smacking down moves by German bishops who’re trying to sneak in Anglican-style errors through the synodal way.

Regardless of the current pontiff’s personal views, a decisive advantage of having a supreme, visible head on Earth is everyone knows where the buck stops.

Butt stuff has already been anathematized by ex cathedra definition. Even if some worldly bishop or synod tried to bless gay unions, the attempt would de facto negate itself. In an ecclesiological sense, they’d just place themselves in schism.

Remember, the gates of Hell won’t prevail. But the dead branches will separate themselves from the Vine.


For a look at a post-future whose reunited Church theologians look back at our era and shake their heads while laugh-crying, read my hit mech thriller:

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