High time for another high strangeness post. But instead of covering the recent rash of astroturfed UFO stories, which look like a government psyop, we’ll discuss wild man lore, which is based on reliable accounts from real people.
Disclaimer: That’s not to say all UFO reports are fake. We’ve had some from reliable witnesses here. It is to say that the timing and sourcing of the unidentified object stories now making the rounds are sus to put it mildly.
With that out of the way, check out this video referred by a reader. It starts with an investigation into the Dennis Martin disappearance, then gets into Appalachian wild man lore. Which is where the embedded video should pick up.
Are these perennial accounts of wildmen lurking in the hills more than mere folklore?
I’m inclined to say yes, again based in part on trustworthy reader accounts.
If you want corroboration of wildman accounts dating back to pre-Columbian America, bigfoot expert Bob Gymlan has some personal nightmare fuel:
For fictional nightmare fuel, read my award-winning horror-adventure series: