Let me preface this story by pointing out it happened in Canada.
With a tyrannical dictator for life who’s legally sanctioned sacrificing his subjects to the Enemy, it’s the nearest Current Year equivalent to Mordor.
Josh Alexander, a Canadian high school student who protested his Catholic school last year allowing gender-confused males to use girls’ bathrooms, was permanently suspended by the school board from attending class for the rest of the year.
Alexander’s lawyer, James Kitchen, the chief litigator for Liberty Coalition Canada (LCC), told LifeSiteNews today that Renfrew County Catholic District School Board won’t “permit him (Alexander) to attend school for the rest of the year because, according to them, Josh’s beliefs constitute ‘bullying of trans students.’”
Alexander was earlier this month served a trespass notice by the principal at St. Joseph’s Catholic High School in Renfrew, Ontario.
This trespass notice, Kitchen told LifeSiteNews, was “in retaliation for Josh attending the two classes he was prohibited from” in early January.
If you ask me, the Death Cultists who’ve taken over the school board gave Josh a blessing in disguise.
Schools used to send truant officers to make delinquent kids go to school.
Now they use the law to keep Christian kids out of school.
It’s a get out of jail free card.
According to the LCC, Alexander was hoping to return to school on February 6, but because he informed the board he would “continue to adhere to his religious beliefs regarding Biblical sexuality and gender,” the board responded by “excluding Josh from attending St. Joseph’s for the rest of the school year.”
Kitchen told LifeSiteNews that the “technicality” the school board used as the reason for not allowing an appeal “has to do with standing.”
“A 16-year-old only has standing if they have ‘withdrawn from parental control,’” Kitchen said.
“In what would appear to be a move to avoid having to hear and decide the appeals, the school board is unreasonably taking the position Josh has not withdrawn from parental control,” the attorney added.
Look, this is how these infiltrator witches operate. We’ve seen it a million times.
They worm their way into healthy organizations, bring more of their fellow cultists on board, and take over.
Then they twist the rules to reward their friends and punish their enemies while claiming objectivity.
Conservatives always fall for this schtick because the Conservative mind views rules as objective, self-enforcing realities.
The Death Cult, on the other hand, sees rules as malleable abstractions they can bend and break without shame. But being primitive magical thinkers, they wield rules as arcane hexes capable of binding their enemies.
Which, due to Conservatives’ aforementioned legal positivism, is kind of true.
Kitchen told LifeSiteNews that they are considering “next steps” for Alexander, which will “include but will involve more than a human rights complaint.”
See? It’s getting to be a shopworn trope, but Conservatives keep it evergreen: This is why they always lose.
Human rights laws are rules enacted by the Death Cult to reward their allies and crush their foes.
You cannot turn their own weapons on them. Attempting to do so is like trying to command demons to cast out other demons.
If Josh knows his Bible, he should know how that works out.
As reported by LifeSiteNews, Alexander was handed a 20-day suspension on November 23, 2022, after organizing a school walkout that same month in support of girls’ rights to access their facilities without the presence of male students.
In an interview around the time of Alexander’s initial suspension, the teenager told LifeSiteNews that he believes, in accordance with Catholic teaching and the Bible, that there are only two sexes.
The LCC noted in its press release that he has been suspended under the “guise of ‘safety,’ as that term has been revised by woke gender activists now pervasive in public institutions.”
“Josh has been penalized for expressing his Christian beliefs regarding gender and modesty, beliefs which also happen to align with both objective truth and actual safety. Josh not only has a right to express himself during class discussions and through public forums, he also has a right not to be discriminated against by his school for his sincere religious beliefs. Being suspended and excluded from attending classes is the height of discrimination,” the LCC said.
They just keep bashing their heads against the same brick wall.
The correct response to a Catholic school board member uttering the Death Cult ritual cant “trans student” is to apply the Witch Test.
Even Pope Francis called gender theory a nuclear-level threat to humanity “that does not recognize the order of creation.”
Any professed Catholic who believes there is such a thing as a “trans” person is in grave error and in no state to teach Catholic students barring repentance and a public retraction.
But these witches on the school board won’t do that. Because they’re not Catholics, they’re witches.
Demonstrating once again what I’ve said for years and will keep saying until Christian parents stop subjecting their kids to systematic abuse out of cultural inertia:
Public schools are Death Cult seminaries. Private schools are public schools with crosses on the wall.
Raise. Your own. Kids.
Maybe you can’t legally stop giving public schools money, but you can reclaim your dignity in other ways.
And if you want to give Josh money (which is risky in light of how the Canadian government has dealt with past contributors to unapproved crowdfunders), you can do it here.