Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

They’re Still Coming for Christians


The feds have gotten some bad press of late for persecuting pro-life activists.

Now we’re hearing from whistleblowers that the FBI is targeting Catholics under the guise of policing “violent extremists.”

Watch the story:

In all honesty, this spying on the Church isn’t new.

A relative of mine by marriage was sacked from the Bureau back in the 80s for refusing to do espionage on a Christian group.

Which once again goes to show that the real conflict is and always has been the Satanic Death Cult making war on Christ’s Church.

Yes, the Enemy uses pawns from different groups as proxies in its war, but the ultimate motive is always an attempt to destroy Christianity.

Because the Devil can’t lay a finger on God directly. So instead he strikes out at God’s children on Earth.

And over the last century, Satan has learned to weaponize government and the media against the majority Christian population.

There were people in media and the government who were duty-bound to fight against these diabolical incursions. But they’ve long since been cowed or bought off.

Now the only opposition with any influence are paid shills who distract Christian Conservatives from their intensifying persecution with tabloid gossip about laptops and balloons.

They are party clowns whose vapid capering keeps you mesmerized while the secret police close in.

So if you’re a Christian, get ready to be persecuted.

The current regime is perverse and effeminate, so their crackdown on the Church won’t look like past pogroms.

Instead of midnight knocks on the door and people getting disappeared into dungeons, it’ll be constant frivolous lawfare waged by profane public-private partnerships.

The process is the punishment.

Some might accuse me of black pilling, but these developments are all to the long-term good.

If even 10 percent of self-professed Christians believed deep down what they profess to, none of this would be happening.

The fact is, most of us are more attached to our corporate jobs, McMansions, and cohabiting GFs than we are to Christ.

And that’s been the state of Western Christendom for decades. You can’t say we weren’t given ample time to change our ways.

So what’s going to happen now is the state and the megacorps will apply public pressure to make being Christian costly.

The limp-wrists in Washington and Silicon Valley don’t have the balls to straight up outlaw the Church. You’re not gonna hear, like, Corey Booker come out and say, “We passed new legislation that makes Christianity illegal. Starting next week, you face stiff fines and federal prison time unless you stop being Christian. Hail Satan!”

Instead they’ll keep up the pretense of religious liberty using weasel terms like “freedom of worship” while inveighing against “dangerous radical violent extremism,” which just means any ideas they disagree with.

But again, that’s nothing to be afraid of. Jesus Christ is the Lord of history. He will turn His persecutors’ attacks into far greater good. Just like He did with Pilate and Saul.

We’re already seeing nominal Christians who’ve long lived like practical atheists boil off. That trend will accelerate over the next decades.

The remaining core of fire-tested believers will be smaller than before the Christmas and Easter cafeteria Catholics left.

But we won’t be susceptible to coercion, temptation, or intimidation. The powers that be will have nothing to bribe or threaten us with, because all we’ll want is Jesus.

And we’ll want everyone else to have Him, too. And what God sets in motion, the gates of Hell are powerless to stop.

It’ll be fine. We already won.

Just break your worldly attachments, trust in God, and no one can touch you.


I know a lot of folks have a hard time pulling their faces out of the Pop Cult slop trough. So I wrote a book to help.

Read it now:

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