“Safety” is a major sacred cow of the secular cargo cult that has seized control of the West.
Of course, twisting ordinary, benign words to have peculiar liturgical connotations is the primary way in which Cultists signal their religious affiliation to other Cultists. So they don’t mean “safety” as normal people understand the term.
This corruption of meaning is evident when you consider that a group who force experimental drugs on the public, demand policies that lead to rampant violent crime, and support child mutilation by judicial fiat aren’t interested in people’s bodily integrity.
To a Cultist, “safe” means “enabling of the Cult’s shared irrational fantasy.”
Understand, these people hate themselves. So they conjure dream world in which the Cult is crusading for pure goodness and justice against irredeemable evil. Embracing that fantasy lets them drop their hated identities and take up new fictional identities in which they are moral paragons and their enemies are demons in human form.
In short, the Death Cult is a LARP. And its members use its weird liturgical cant and perform its bizarre rituals to insulate their chosen roles from contact with reality.
But it’s impossible to argue against mockery, so nothing threatens to burst the Cultists’ bubble more than normal people laughing at their nonsense.
Teenager Makani Tran detailed his disqualification from a Pokémon Trading Card Game (TCG) tournament in Charlotte after appearing to laugh after being asked his pronouns by a judge.
According to Tran’s account on social media, he appeared to have made the judge of the sixth round uncomfortable after giving an awkward laugh upon being asked his pronouns.
“On our way over to the stream area the judge asked us for our preferred pronouns. I said ‘Um he or him or uh’ and I paused trying to think of the third pronoun (the third pronoun being his). As I just stood there looking stupid trying to think of the third pronoun I felt embarrassed because I was failing to think of a simple word. Due to the nerves and me being embarrassed I let out a little laugh just a normal nervous laugh. My response together ended up being ‘Um he or him or uhhhh haha his,’” Tran recounted.
He also described a follow-up situation where the judge once again asked him and his fellow player Alex Schemanske for their pronouns. Tran admitted that he laughed at the end of his answer once again because of his nerves.
Pay special attention to this kid’s apologetic tone.
In a sane society, the correct response to an adult asking a teenager “his pronouns” is to remove the judge from contact with minors since he’s deranged.
Laughter serves a natural purpose. It’s an outward sign that you’ve encountered an contradictory deviation from the baseline.
So Tran’s laughter upon being asked his pronouns was no less normal a reaction than if he’d been asked which vibrational frequency he was operating on.
Booting him from the tournament for laughing shows that the judge’s underlying motives weren’t rational. Kids are known to laugh. Again, his stated justification of claiming that children’s laughter made him feel unsafe is grounds for the judge, not the player, to be removed from the tournament.
Referring back to the Cult definition of “safe” explained above, the real reason the judge disqualified Tran was for blasphemy.
And credit where it’s due; the Death Cult is more willing to make and use rules to defend their beliefs from blasphemy than most Christians are.
Until that situation changes, and until more people find the courage to laugh in the Cult’s face, absurdities like the one Tran suffered will continue. And worsen.
Just read this subhead and try to parse what it means:
One Pokémon tournament judge claimed Makani Tran’s laugh made them ‘feel unsafe and uncomfortable’
That’s not even English. The wording obscures who the sentence is referring to. It’s gibberish.
If you can’t muster the guts to laugh at these defilers of language, at least have the integrity not to jump through their pronoun hoops.
And I don’t just mean in your bio or your email signature. We got to this point because people didn’t push back when the Cultists in academia coerced them into rejecting pronoun-antecedent agreement.
It’s a basic rule of grammar. Imagine if the Cult told everybody to stop using possessive nouns ending in ‘s because that spelling is a contraction of “[noun] his” and is therefore sexist. So instead of writing “John’s coat,” they pressured you to substitute “their” and write “John’r coat.”
Using “them” or “they” when referring to a single subject is just as ridiculous. It vandalizes English as much as that “LatinX” bullshit vandalizes Spanish.
Stop going along with Death Cult humiliation rituals.
Stop giving attention and money to people who hate you.
Just laugh at them.