Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Civilizational Decay


In the midst of this civilizational decay, it’s easy to forget that the gradual but snowballing affronts to human nature that brought us here were billed as steps toward a sexy, gleaming utopia. The myth of progress is as central to the Death Cult as salvation is to Christianity.

Which makes sense. Because the Fall is so self-evident that any religion claiming universal moral authority must address it. The Cult’s techno-priests foretold that advancements like the integrated chip, hormonal birth control, and the world wide web would help us build a post-racial, post-capitalist, post-religious world.

In the fulness of time, they said, science would conquer the last enemy: death.

What we got instead was a nihilistic pseudo-religion that’s overseen the first decrease in American life expectancy in ages. But with free porn and government Cheetos.

The Modernists set out to cut science off from the Christian metaphysic that incubated it. Medical experts’ apocalyptic response to what should have been a modest public health emergency showed how that experiment went.

The retrograde direction of consumer tech brings home the consequences of severing science from Christianity. Each generation of smartphones removes basic features and functionality.

Nor is there a hair’s breadth of difference between the two available types of phone, except price.

The computer operating system market is the worst offender. Windows and Mac were once rival platforms with readily apparent performance and aesthetic differences. Now the newest version of Windows is an undisguised Mac OS knockoff.

We’re back to “You can have a Model T in any color you want, as long as it’s black.”

The lack of choice wouldn’t suck so much if anything worked. Yet chat A.I.s rattle off the censored outputs that megacorps are paid to provide. And shoppers find themselves at the mercy of malfunctioning algorithms their owners have forgotten how to fix. Each new software update breaks every PC a little more while adding more mandatory spyware.

This backward trend might black pill some. Others see it as an exhortation to divest their lives of pointless, detrimental junk. Ditch the NSA bug in your pants pocket. Shun AAA slop for indie games.

Get up and go outside.

Another reason for hope amid the accelerating decline is that the Death Cult went all in on tech. Their equalist dogma and bugman-ism isn’t creating the total, managed regime they sought. Somehow they missed that replacing intelligent producers with low-IQ idols wasn’t a recipe for earthly paradise. It was the setup for a Resident Evil sequel.

So the Death Cult’s despotic system will fail and take millions down with it – just like all the rest.

Get prepared and get holy.

And for a glimpse at the other side of the Collapse …

The big robot action of Mobile Suit Gundam meets the espionage thrills of Tom Clancy.

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