I regret to inform you that the Big-brain Nietzsche Boys are shilling for apostasy again.
The second their backs are turned to Christ, it’s right back to the child sacrifice.
And it’s not just the BAPists who are trying the “How do you do, fellow dissidents?” shtick.
Not on my watch
AKA my free time between creating and fostering fun alternatives to Woke corporate IP.
For real, though. This “We must abandon Christ to save Christendom!” psyop is just dumb.
Anyone who’s falling for this nonsense has to have a fruit fly attention span.
Or so oblivious as to miss the fact that the regime is smearing, impoverishing, and raiding Christians.
Meanwhile, controlled opposition outlets are gushing about BAP.
How can anyone believe the sudden rash of establishment-backed fake right accounts attacking Christ is organic?
Demons have one rule: “Anything but God.”
Anyone following the same rule is not on your side.
Learn to recognize people who hate the Christ, and stop giving them your time and money.