Bigfoot expert Bob Gymlan encountered some high strangeness the other day.
That may not sound too noteworthy for a guy who makes cryptid videos and posts them on YouTube.
Except this brush with the unexplained had nothing to do with unknown animals.
In brief, Gymlan’s old PC died while he was working on a video, so he bought a brand new one to finish the project.
He insists that the only software on it at the time of the incident – besides Windows 11, the standard programs, and some preloaded games – was the video editor he downloaded.
To continue work on the video, Gymlan says the only other thing he did was plug in a thumb drive containing 3 files – a prior finished video and 2 mp4s – and load them into the video editor.
Then he went to bed.
When he resumed work the next morning, this happened:
Gonna be honest. I don’t know what to make of this one.
The documented paranormal phenomena it comes closest to are EVPs.
One problem, though: Gymlan’s not dead.
I hope.
Maybe you could draw parallels with Milslop skinwalker creepypastas. But those are lame fabrications by extremely online suburban kids stuck in Perpetual Year Zero who live in terror of deer.
Gymlan seems too beset by Boomer tech to buy into such flights of fancy.
So am I, for that matter. Which is why I can’t rule out a technical explanation. Like him, I just don’t know enough to say this couldn’t be a fluke of A/V tech.
The fact that the anomalous .wav file contained new narration in Gymlan’s voice that he claims never to have spoken, and noises he didn’t make, would seem to strain the tech glitch theory.
For context, the video he was making concerned a series of bear attacks that claimed the lives of several Japanese villagers about a century ago.
Imperial police who abandoned their guard posts said they fled the village due to fears that it wasn’t just a bear, but a demon.
For decades after the fact, survivors refused interviews and wouldn’t even discuss the beast’s rampage.
Not that you can blame them.
As for Bob Gymlan, he probably just experienced the weird effects of a bizarre software glitch.
His story can still serve as warning against excessive curiosity about things man wasn’t meant to know.
Or vindication of Dead Internet theory.
Either way it’s getting weirder out there.
Take care.
And if you’re in the mood for a fictional story about demons battling with space pirates, read my award-winning horror/adventure series: