It’s that time again. Author Hans G. Schantz returns with a vast selection of the finest newpub titles in this summer’s Big Based Book Sale!
These are some of the top offerings from previous book sales including science fiction grandmasters, established mainstream authors and emerging indie talent.
Authors include Patrick Abbot, James Alderdice, J.M. Anjewierden, Jon del Arroz, Tony Andarian, Leigh Brackett, Graham Bradley, Jonathan P. Brazee, Henry Brown, Rachel Fulton Brown and the Dragon Common Room, Misha Burnett, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Kit Sun Cheah, Paul Clayton, Declan Finn, Marina Fontaine, Milo James Fowler, Peter Grant, N. Gray, Steve Griffiths, Eric M. Hamilton, Harry Harrison, Frederick Gero Heimbach, Alexander Hellene, Daniel Humphreys, C.S. Johnson, Steven G. Johnson, Becky Jones, Michael Kayser, Robert Kroese, Christopher Lansdown, L. Jagi Lamplighter, Moe Lane, N.R. LaPoint, Frank B. Luke, Loretta Malakie, T.J. Marquis, Yakov Merkin, Russell Newquist, Richard Nichols, Christopher G. Nuttall, Francis Porretto, James Pyles, David Roome, Denton Salle, Hans G. Schantz, Richard Sezov, David Skinner, Kalkin Tivedi, Henry Vogel, Mark Wandrey, David J. West, Fenton Wood, John C. Wright, Page Zaplendam.
And every title is either free or $0.99! Note: prices are set by the authors, so please confirm before you buy. And some of the offerings are short stories or novellas instead of full-length novels.