Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

One Way

Jesus Christ Triumphant

There’s been an uptick in Gnosticism/New Age-ism coming across my timeline. So I think it’s time for a quick refresher on how we know for a moral certainty that there is One God, Jesus Christ is His Only Son & the Church He founded is the One True Faith.

Giving a proof for God isn’t the main point today, so let’s get it out of the way up front.

Everything that comes to be has a cause. An infinite chain of causes is the same as no cause, since everything would just be an effect of something else. So much for an infinite causal regress.

To maintain causality, we need a cause that’s not an effect of anything else, i.e. an Uncaused Cause.

By necessity the First Cause must be 100% self-necessary with zero contingency. Otherwise it would have some degree of dependency on something else & therefore be an effect, which is a contradiction.

Infinity follows by necessity from self-existence. If any other being could place an external limitation on the First Cause, it would in that regard be dependent on that being. It would thus be contingent, therefore not self-necessary, etc.

By the same logic, omnipotence follows from this infinity. There can be no limitation on the exercise of the Prime Mover’s powers because such a limitation would constitute contingency and result in a self-contradiction.

It should be obvious by now, but the proper vernacular term for self-necessary, infinite, omnipotent Being is God.

Note that I didn’t say “a being” above. Because being can’t just be something God possesses. If God existed like a creature does, His existence could be taken away & we’d be right back to contingency.
Instead, God has to be Being Itself.
That’s right, editors. God is a verb.

God’s infinite nature doesn’t even admit of self-limitation. So God’s exercise of power is always infinite.
Because God is Absolute, pure Being, His power isn’t a quality that can be separated from Him, i.e. God is His Power.

Because we are effects of the First Cause, and we can communicate, it must follow that communication is within God’s power.
& since God is His power, He is His Word.
So we would expect an infinite communication of God’s Word to look like this:

God coming in Person as His infinite Word rules out any further revelation. & because God is One, he speaks only One, omni-dynamic Word to us. Which invalidates any other means of coming to know God fully & any need for special secret knowledge.

Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life. There is no other name by which we are saved.

Quick note on discerning spirits: There’s the good kind & the bad kind. In light of the foregoing, any spirit that tells you there are higher sources of wisdom than Jesus Christ is the bad kind. Pray that God send the good ones to defend you.


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