Site icon Kairos – By Brian Niemeier

Passing Peak Death Cult?


A series of reports from polling outfit Gallup indicate that the Death Cult’s hold on the moral high ground is slipping.

Most folks are polemicizing about the steep and sudden drop in support for sodomy.

The Death Cultists in particular are throwing fits about it.

And there’s no doubt it’s a significant change. Butt Month ’23 was supposed to be the biggest ever. Instead it was a dud.

Yet perspective is important. Take a look at the 2017 results for comparison:

Sodomy had a little less support compared to now. Ditto fornication and pornography.

And keep in mind, the same pollsters cited 2017 as a year of record-high Death Cult alignment.

So the even more interesting areas where the Cult’s grip is slipping are the death penalty and birth control. Support for the former went up 2 points from 2017, and in a major upset, support for thwarting the conjugal act’s fruitfulness fell 3 points.

That change indicates a potential shift disproportionate to the numbers, since it was artificial contraception that St. Paul VI prophesied would unleash the other family-destroying perversions.

If social Conservatives really wanted to press the initiative, they’d put overturning Obergefell on the back burner and outlaw artificial birth control. A lot of the rest would take care of itself after that.

Of course, they’re unlikely to since Conservatives – even Catholics – contracept at rates comparable to the genpop.

Then again, Roe was struck down at a time when infanticide had majority support. And the decision didn’t cause the massive backlash that everyone from Death Cult witches to Con Inc. shills promised. Abortion became neither more nor less popular.

For my two cents, the most interesting aspect of this poll is what it implies about the “Politics is downstream from culture/Culture is downstream from politics” debate.

Infanticide’s cancellation is an anomaly that culture-primary folks need to account for. Because if the culture drives policy, Roe shouldn’t have been overturned when it had 52% support.

On the other hand, SCOTUS is known for acting independent of the elected branches. Though that rep is kind of a meme.

A bigger challenge to the politics-primary view is that Roe’s repeal didn’t cause a big loss of public support for abortion. Maybe it’s a delayed effect. If so, it will be interesting to see where abortion polling goes over the next few years.

An even more telling bellwether is how homosexuality is fast going the way of Disco.

Gallup mentioned various republican governors’ crackdown on trannyism. But the crossdressing stuff has never been popular. Even now, most Americans still acknowledge biological and ontological reality.

The butt stuff is another story. Not only has it dominated all media for years – with even Conservative talking heads bowing before the rainbow – the managerial class has even plunged foreign countries into war over it.

At this time, neither cultural nor political changes can fully explain sodomy’s falling stock.

We may have to consider that the culture v politics divide is as simplistic and normie tier as horseshoe theory.

After all, a nation is a complex system with myriad levels and inputs. And it’s dynamic, always in a state of flux.

Media and policy do exert effects on the system, but in different ways and amounts at different times. They might be like walls that public morality bounces back and forth between like a self-reflexive feedback loop.

What is clear is that people are getting more conservative in terms of morals.

It’s an amusing irony that Millennials and Zoomers are getting more conservative while Boomers are relapsing into liberalism.

Of special interest to this blog, the biggest shift away from the Death Cult has occurred among Gen Y.

While it’s not an omen of a future RETVRN TO TRADITION, it is a hopeful sign that Ys are abandoning edgy nihilism. They must do so to fulfill their curator role, passing on to Zoomers the cultural patrimony that the Death Cult strives to destroy.

Whatever the secondary agents at work, God remains the Prime Mover and judge of nations.

Fr. Chad Ripperger has said more than once that God will give a people over to their vices in chastisement, but He’ll only let the situation degrade so far.

What these moral shifts may tell us is that human nature isn’t omni-malleable after all. Maybe the Death Cult has reached the hard limit of its social engineering.

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